Leap Of Faith (Heart Pangs)

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Hello hello hello :3

*cutely waits till the last day of pride month to post this chapter*

If you don't know what Heart Pangs is, I'm genuinely wondering what are you doing with your life. Read mmmleckerlecker 's story👹

Anyways. Back to our topic. Since a lot of people ship those two, I decided to turn them into boyfriends :3

This is the sfw version of this chapter. The nsfw version is on my other book which you can also find on my profile and contains an extra, steamy scene.

Warnings: soft vore


Felix was the one to drive them home, as per usual. After Camille reassured them that she'd have no problem handling the rest alone, she dismissed the couple and asked them to get some rest. It had been a long day for all three of them. And even though Bakula's old place was not that far from Felix's own, Benjie couldn’t stop sneaking a peek at his boyfriend every other minute. He was convinced something was off. After a job well done, Felix would usually have a pleasant expression on his face, maybe even a hint of a smile. But today he just seemed…bothered. As if something was physically paining him. After catching another glimpse of the pred's focused on the road gaze, he decided he’d address the topic at home.

A short while later, the car was parked on the driveway and the two of them were taking turns to use the shower. Felix was the first to enter and in the meantime, Benjie used his free time to catch up with his current book. Before he knew it, he had already skimmed through an entire chapter. Raising his head to see the time, Benjie realised it had already been half an hour since Felix entered the shower, and taking so long was unlike him. He put a bookmark in the mystery novel he was reading and placed the closed book by the coffee table before standing up and traversing the long stairs.

Upon reaching the bathroom door, Benjie stretched his ears. No water was running. No footsteps. No shuffling around. Nothing. As he was about to knock, the door opened to reveal a drenched Felix with a white towel around his hips. Benjie had to physically stop himself from blushing, and from the soft smirk tugging at his boyfriend's lips, he was doing a terrible job.

“H-hey. What took you so long?” Benjie said in a pitiful attempt to strike a conversation. Felix seemed slightly amused but there was still something in his eyes that wrenched the prey's gut.

“Sorry,” he apologised, “you can get in now.” He was about to walk past him and towards their shared bedroom when Benjie stopped him by placing a hand on his own.


Curious, Felix turned to face him. Benjie looked determined, and before he lost his nerve, he asked. “Is everything okay?”

Felix blinked at him, momentarily puzzled. “Of course everything's fine. I'm just a bit tired, that's all.” he said quickly. The scrutiny in Benjie's eyes was enough to let him know the smaller man was not convinced.

“Why do I feel like you're omitting something? Something serious?” One look at the prey's eyes was enough. It was obvious that Felix was trying hard to sweep something under the rug, but knowing Benjie, he wasn't the type of guy to just drop the subject. Felix's involuntary gulp roused the prey's suspicions even further. “There's something you're not telling me, isn't it?”


Felix was in a difficult situation. He had reached a point where he hoped the earth would shatter beneath his feet and suck him in her merciful depths. Not that he believed he deserved the mercy, but a man can dream, right?

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