Sneaky Bandits

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So... I wanted to experiment with something shorter in length. I still ended up writing a bit over 1500 words but oh well. Please do your best to ignore the glaring plot holes :3


“Aaaaaand…the cameras on your floor are down.” The man with the soft stubble stated as he finally stopped furiously typing away on his laptop. “Be quick though. You only have about ten minutes before the signal is back online and you're taking forever.” he added as he pushed his glasses up his prominent nose. Meanwhile, Asher was running as fast as his tiny legs could take him. “Oh, you don't get to complain, Zion. How about you try covering all this distance while being three inches tall, asshole?” Zion had to hold back his laughter at the angry remark that came from his comm. “Easy there, tiger. I'm doing my part, you're doing yours. Seems pretty fair to me.” The tiny man rolled his eyes. ”Oh how I wish I was the one wasting away in the back of my van while my partner was out there doing all the actual work!” he said while panting. “Calm down man. I'm just telling you to be quick. You only have so much time.”

Asher was running top speed through the grey, gigantic to him hallways. Luckily for him, the museum's underground level was not busy during that time of the day but the CCTV footage was something he was grateful Zion could get rid of since someone would definitely notice a man the size of a mouse running around through the 24-hour-protection camera system. “Surely shutting off the entire thing would receive some unwanted attention, but they'd never notice a few cameras being out of service for a few minutes.” Those were Zion's exact words when they started to set this whole operation in motion. Despite his brooding, he was thankful to his friend for having his back. “Yeah, yeah. Whatever you say.” he bit back sassily as he came to a sudden halt in front of the ventilation system. “Now if you could please shut up because some of us have actual stuff to do, it would be appreciated.”

Zion shook his head in disbelief at the other man's remark. “You sure are sassy for such a tiny little thing.” He was sure that if they were in the same room he would have received the middle finger from the blonde one. Instead, Asher settled for a: “I'm not willing to speak to any assholes right now. I'm busy.” True to his words, Asher pulled the thick nail hanging by his utility belt and took up the arduous task of unscrewing the vent cover. It would have been much easier if he was in normal size but he wasn't going to take any chances. 

“Tick tock tick tock. Time's going by quickly.” Zion's voice reminded him through the comm just as he managed to remove the last screw and pull the cover off the vent. “Shut up already. I'll be in and out in a giffy.” he said with a groan as he started to crawl through the tight-spaced vent. Fortunately for them, the object they had targeted was occupying an entire room on its own, unlike other artifacts the museum had borrowed in the past, which meant the room would have its own vent, therefore direct access for the minuscule man. 

Zion stalked the flickering dot on his screen that indicated the man's exact location. He cheered when the dot finally appeared in the forbidden room nobody was allowed to enter but his joy quickly shifted to anxiety when he noticed that his friend only had four minutes before the cameras went back online. “You might wanna hurry.” Asher caught his friend's slightly apprehensive tone and decided to keep his comments to himself just this once. Upon entering the bright room, Asher smirked to himself. They definitely went to a lot of trouble to keep anyone from entering the room but didn't bother to place another obstacle between the valuable gem and any possible intruders. Not feeling like making his life any more difficult, Asher reverted to his human size and easily picked up the soft pink gem stone from its perched up spot on the stand. He proudly weighed the precious stone in his palm, a sense of fulfillment overtaking him. But nothing was over just yet. The real hassle would be to carry the gem back in his tiny size since he obviously couldn’t waltz out of there through the main door.

He placed the gem in the vent and shrunk once more. He was surprised to find its weight was dramatically altered now that he was tiny but he couldn't give up now. He lifted the hefty load and made a run back to the way he came from. He was elated when he eventually reached the exit and slid out of the claustrophobic space. He stopped only for a second, just enough to catch his breath, but Zion's voice ringed through his ears. “I know you're probably tired but you really need to keep moving. The cameras are going back on in less than two minutes.” Those words were enough to fuel the tiny man with newfound vigor. The idea of not getting caught and becoming rich in the process was tantalising. But he was racing against time itself and now that he had all the extra weight, he was clearly losing. He was sweating profusely and he hadn't even reached half way to the exit. Even minimal distances seemed unimaginably vast in that size. 

“Asher the cameras are back on.”

He knew he had run out of luck when he felt the commotion build up throughout the entire floor. “Shit.” His legs were burning like crazy and he felt like he might pass out at any moment. He was relieved when the exit came into view but by that time, sirens could be heard from a distance and he could feel the patrollers vibrate through the gravel road. They would be there soon. Thank goodness the van came in sight and when a drained Asher was about to pass out from exhaustion, he heard the booming sound of a door opening and was grateful for the massive hand that came to his aid, effortlessly scooping up both him and their long awaited prize. As soon as he was safely deposited on the passenger's seat, Asher didn't waste a second and shifted back to his original size. “Step on it!” he urged and the dark haired man didn't need to be told twice. 

And just as the duo of thieves was about to celebrate its victory, they found themselves getting pursued by several cars with the hallmark sirens decorating their tops. No matter how fast Zion drove, their pursuers seemed to gain on them by the second. Even if they somehow magically managed to lose them, their old white van could only reach so many miles per hour so Asher knew he had to act. With his trusted friend behind the wheel, he decided to take one for the team and thus climbed out of the open window. “What do you think you're doing?” Zion exclaimed with wide eyes, his gaze bouncing between the road and his friend's suicide mission. “What does it look like I'm doing? I'm trying to reach the top.” he said as if it were self-explanatory. It didn't take long for the blonde man to get to the top but the cops were right on their tail. 

“Here goes nothing.”

And with that thought, he jumped and landed on the moving car just behind the van. The hood groaned and shrieked under the increasing mass as his body expanded. He forced his growth to stop when he reached about 25 feet in height as it was more than enough to get them out of their predicament. The car was forced to come to a stop by the now giant Asher's weight. Stretching out his long arms, he easily managed to bring the rest of the police cars to a halt. That's definitely going to leave a bruise, he thought as the other cars were ambushed, forced to come crushing right on his waiting arms. 

When he figured the cars were battered enough to cease their hunt, only then he took off and went after the van. His body was already shrinking when his large hand came in contact with the moving vehicle's door. He hoisted himself through the open window with a grunt. Panting heavily, he sprawled on his seat. Turned out that running didn't get any easier when he was giant rather than tiny. Zion, who had watched the entire ordeal by the side view mirror while desperately trying to keep his eyes on the road, was in pure shock. 


Asher chuckled. “What part of I can alter my size did you not catch?”

“I thought you meant you could merely shrink, not turn into a fuckin’ Goliath?!”

“That wasn't even my full size. I could grow even bigger.”

“That's so cool. You're automatically the coolest person I know.”

Asher rolled his eyes with a wide grin. “I think the fact that we're rich now is so much cooler, don't you think?” he asked. It took a moment for Zion to fully comprehend that sentence. 

“Holy shit. We're rich.”

And with that, the two men drove away, more than ready to experience a new life of luxury and opulence. 


I know it wasn't exactly *short* but I tried my best, okay? 😭

Don't forget to vote and leave a comment if you liked it :3


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