Part 15- Dinner

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I sit at the table with Aunt Walburga and Uncle Orion, who are talking rather loudly about Sirius. My fork accidentally clatters against my plate, and I pick it up, silently seething. They don't seem to notice, but Reggie does. He glanced at me, before keeping his eyes firmly glued on the food in front of him.
"Sirius," Aunt Walburga sighs, "Has done nothing but cause issues. He ran off on Christmas, showing us up, Orion. I don't see why we can't send him to a school further away."
"He'd have to be dragged kicking and screaming," Uncle Orion looks at Reggie, "And what influence would that have?"
"Cassiopeia?" Aunt Walburga asks. I look up, and she asks, "Is it true that you and Sirius both got in trouble with the head of Slytherin?"
Reggie doesn't look at me, but I can tell he's internally screaming. I mumble, "Yeah, Aunt Walburga."
"Yes, not yeah," Uncle Orion corrects. I put my fork down as Aunt Walburga asks, "What happened? All Bellatrix's letter said was that she knows you got in trouble with Sirius."
"We were distracted," I admit, "Apparently had been for quite a while. However, they don't teach very advanced stuff at Hogwarts, and I understand it all. So does Sirius."
"I doubt that," Aunt Walburga rolls her eyes, "What was the consequence then?"
"A detention," I shrug. Aunt Walburga waits for me to continue, and i mumble, "I don't think there's any thing else to say. Sirius and I haven't spoken since the fight."
"The fight?" Uncle Orion asks. Bellatrix clearly didn't write to them, and my mother must have just passed on the information. Reggie says, "Cassiopeia and Sirius had an argument in front of everyone."
"Who started it?"
"Sirius did," Reggie looks at me, "Sirius started the fight. Bellatrix told me, and I assumed she had wrote to you about it too. Sorry, Father."
"Regulus told me," Aunt Walburga says, "I haven't wrote to Sirius since I found out about it. Narcissa said that some of the things he said were horrific. What did he say?"
"I really don't-"
"What did he say?"
I hesitate, before saying, "He was just saying things like how I had disgraced the family, but Mother told me everyone blamed Sirius. Apparently because he got sorted first, I've not destroyed the family tradition. But he was just saying things like how I was like Andro..."
I trail off. Why would I bring up Andy? If anyone finds out Sirius and I write to her more often than just over the holidays, we'll both be absolutely murdered. Sirius is one strike away from being disowned at this point. The subject of Andromeda makes everyone angry anyway. Uncle Orion asks, "Who?"
"She was saying Andromeda," Reggie says. Were sent away from the table, which is fine because we'd finished eating. I sit in the tapestry room with Reggie, stroking our names with my finger. Round Bella's name, to Cissa and then mine. To Reggie's and Sirius's. I avoid Andy's burned up name. It's bad luck to touch it really.

"Why did you say anything?" I ask to Reggie. He is lying on the floor on his back, staring at the ceiling. I wait for an answer, but it never comes. We sit in silence for a minute, before I repeat my question. He says, "I don't like upsetting Mother or Father."
"My parents can't even be bothered to look after me over the holidays," I mutter, turning away from the tapestries. Reggie is quiet, before asking, "Is Sirius messing things up at Hogwarts?"
"A little," I shrug, "No more than he usually does. I haven't been talking to him anyway."
"Will you talk to him after the holiday is over?" Reggie asks. I shrug, listening as he continues, "I don't want Sirius to be alone. Please talk to him for me."
"I will."
Reggie is quiet, but he turns onto his side, facing me. He's looking at someone's name. I look at where he is, and sigh. Andromeda. Not just Andromeda. Ted too. His face is obviously burned off, but now it looks different. The burn mark is bigger. Aunt Walburga must have been in here when she was angry at Sirius. Reggie asks, "What are mud bloods like?"
"What?" I scoff. Reggie can't have said what he said. He repeats himself, and I whisper, "Reg, you can't say that word. It's really bad."
"Mother and Father use it."
He moves closer to me, and rests his head on my lap. I stroke his hair, mumbling, "The muggle borns are good people. I have a friend, her name is Lily. She's ginger, and hates people bringing it up. I understand what that's like. Anyway, she's not the only one I know, but she's the one I know the best."
"What are Bella and Cissa like at school?"
I shrug. Reggie doesn't need to know my opinions on Bella's actions. She's horrible, arrogant, snappy, rude. But worst than everything, she's armed with her wand. It's rough when she's at home. She throws things at me, pushes me, kicks me. I can deal with that. But when she has people to choose from, I try keeping my head down. I'd rather not deal with her if I can help it. Reggie's breathing slows down, and I look at him. He's managed to fall asleep. I cradle him in my arms, whispering, "Reggie, you're such a good person. You're going to go so far. Grow up, raise a family. I'll teach you-"
Reggie stirs, his face peaceful. He nudges me slightly, continuing the steadiness. It's so weird how he sleeps. Like a baby, just with no fears. His eyes are closed, but I know they aren't full of worry now.
"Reg," I whisper, kissing his forehead gently. A small smile flickers on his face, his still fast asleep breathing continuing. I whisper, "I'll teach you to swim this summer. We can go down to the river, and I'll bring more towels. It'll be good for you to be able to wade round the river rather than just watching Sirius and I. I'll make up with Sirius. But you will learn to swim this summer."

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