Summer 1974

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Madame Pomfrey doesn't let me out the hospital wing for a while. Every single time I stand up, my legs buckle, and I end up straight back on the floor. But, one bonus is that I can't do my end of year exams. Regulus sits on a chair at the side of my bed, talking. He says, "Mother wants to know how you're feeling?"
"You can tell Aunt Walburga that I'll be fine," I shrug, "Hey, has Sirius got to come home over the summer?"
Reggie grimaces, "Yeah. He's been a pig though, so I don't want to see him. And you're not coming back to ours all summer. Something about the French country side."
"I think my wedding dresses are being sent to the summer house," I roll my eyes. Reggie raises his eyebrows, and sighs, "Well, apparently Bellatrix and Narcissa will be there with you. I have to stay in stupid England."
I sigh, "I'd rather be with you than trying dresses on all alone. Reg, you're going to be fine. Write to me, okay?"
"I will, I will."
I wince as I walk up to Maman. Madame Pomfrey had finally figured out a way to keep me on my feet, and I'm mostly fine now. Still can't be stood for too long, but that wont be an issue. Maman glares at Cissa, who trails after me cautiously. I listen as she says, "Cassiopeia. How are you feeling now?"
"Much better, Maman," I have to stop myself groaning, "Madame Pomfrey-"
Maman sighs, "Madame Pomfrey is the reason you don't have good enough results from the end of year exams. You got your expected results. That is not good enough."
"I know Maman," I roll my eyes as we apparate. The French is my least favourite house I've ever been to. It's about double the size of Grimmauld, and yet feels so cramped, the atmosphere unbearably stifling. Bellatrix greets me at the door, kissing my forehead, before pulling away suspiciously. She asks, "Where did you get that perfume?"
It dawns on me what I'm wearing. Andromeda always wore this scent, and she gave me a tonne to use at Christmas. She'd been sending it to me while I was in the hospital wing. I just assumed Bella wouldn't notice. Maman moves to be behind me, and mutters, "That smells familiar... can't put my finger on it. Right, Cassiopeia, go and unpack. Bellatrix, help her. Narcissa, join me in the tapestry room."
"Maman," Narcissa whispers, her voice dripping with terror. Maman snaps, "I don't remember asking you for your opinions on the plan. Everyone, start moving. Ladies don't dawdle."

Bellatrix walks with me to my bedroom. It's the same as I left it last time I was here. Everything stripped from the walls, and shoved in boxes. Boxes that were never moved. I groan, kicking my trunk into a corner of the room. Bella watches as I move to the wardrobe, swinging open the doors, and then slamming them immediately shut. Seven wedding dresses, all personally made hang in backs. I sigh as I move to the cupboards, folding jumpers, shirts and trousers into the cupboards. Most of my clothes are already there. Bella says, "I thought Maman got rid of all of Andromeda's perfumes."
"She did," I whisper, not taking my eyes off of my trunk. I move over to the bookshelf, putting all my books in alphabetical order. Bellatrix clearly doesn't realise that I hear her mutter something. She asks, "When did you see her?"
"Christmas," I shrug, "You wont tell Maman, will you?"
Bellatrix sighs, "No. I wont tell Maman, provided one thing. One, small condition."
"If the condition is stupid, I'd rather be disowned," I snap. Bella moves to me, leaning her chin on my shoulder. Her voice is cold, as she whispers, "You join us."
I spin away from her, my eyes wide. For the first time since coming home, I look at Bella. She never usually wears gloves, but has seemed to take up the habit. Her dresses sleeves are longer too, down passed her elbows. Slowly, I whisper, "I don't know who you're on about."
"I don't know who you're on about," Bella mocks, "You do, Cass. It isn't necessary to join now, maybe after your wedding. Or, next summer. You'll be fifteen. Old enough to be capable, but young enough to not cause suspicious."
Bellatrix moves my arms in a T pose sort of thing, brushing my hair with her hand. She lets me drop my arms, but keeps one lock of hair in between her index finger. I feel her smirk without having to look up, wincing as she says, "Wouldn't you like Maman to be really proud of you? Not just happy with you doing the minimum. But really proud."
"That..." I struggle for words, "Bella, I can't."

"Sweet, young Cassiopeia," I flinch as she drops my hair, "Too good to be a Black. To regal to be apart of our family. Too pretty, too perfect. You're a Black, Cassiopeia. There is no reason for you not to join us."
"I can't do it," I whisper, "My wedding is coming up-"
Bellatrix hisses, "Don't get the mark then. He would like you. Do you know what I would give to be the youngest in his ranks?"
I watch as something in her eyes shifts. The wild anger, replaced by a sneer of pity. Bella scoffs, "You'd never be strong enough too. You're weak-"
"I am not weak," I snap, "I am not a weak-"
"You're worse than some of the mud bloods I used to go to school with," Bellatrix spits. I don't know what to say to that. Slowly, I whisper, "At least wait for my wedding to be over."
"About that," Mother's voice makes both Bella and I jump. We bow our heads as she says, "Your wedding has been moved. Once you're fifteen. That summer."
"Nineteen fifty seven?" I ask. Maman moves to me, stroking my face. She whispers, "You'll be staying at Hogwarts onwards though."
Maman taps my chin, and I close my jaw. I hadn't noticed it had dropped. Bellatrix scoffs, "It seems like decision will be coming sooner than we thought."

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