Part 77- Hogwarts

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Xav stays at the station to see me off. I move to him, kissing him as we wait. Maman rolls her eyes ever so slightly, smiling a little. Regulus has gone already, and I'm leaving it as late as I can. Xav looks down at my stomach, my piercing on full display as he smirks, "I'll see you soon. You don't need to be so desperate for my love."
"We're getting married," I scoff, "I'm allowed to love you. What do I do if I see Sirius?"
Xav leans down, his mouth at my ear. He whispers, "Try speaking to him. If he doesn't want to talk, don't talk, but it'd be good to try. I'll write to you soon, okay? I love you."
"Love you too," I whisper, getting on the train. Marlene links arms with me as soon as I arrive on the train. Within seconds, the train chugs to life, and I wave out the window until I can no longer see Xavier. Marlene giggles, rolling her eyes as we walk to the compartment. I sigh, "Is Sirius in there?"
Marlene pokes her head in, and nods at me. She sits down next to him, and I stare. He seems so much happier. It wont hurt to sit in the compartment. I sit opposite him, in between the window and James. Sirius has his hands intertwined with Mary's, and it takes a lot not to immediately apologise. Sirius is the first to speak. He asks, "Can I talk to you?"
"At the castle, sure," I shrug, "But I'd rather leave that topic till we're alone. I like the earring."
Sirius smirks, flashing his ear at me. He's had it pierced, and Sirius smiles embarrassed. I scoff, "Moony, you didn't!"
"He did," James says, "In my bathroom and all. Anyway, OWL's."
I groan audibly, unable to pay any attention. I don't need my OWLS.

At the castle, Sirius pulls me into a spare classroom. I stare at him, taking in everything. He looks less like the scared boy he'd been while he was writhing on the floor. I refuse to be the first to speak, and Sirius takes the hint. He asks, "Have you agreed then? To get the mark like Bellatrix."
"No," I snap, immediately defensive, "No I haven't. Bella's got a way to make it so I don't have to have the mark. Why are you jumping to conclusions? You aren't the only one whose had the Cruciatus curse used on you. And you know, bringing up Andromeda was low."
"You don't even write to her anymore!" Sirius scoffs. I hiss, "I do write to her, but I've been busy. In case you haven't noticed, my wedding is in SUMMER."
"Oh, right," Sirius pretends to care, putting his hand on his heart, "I forgot you were getting married. It's not like you spent the entirety of Christmas snogging your future husband. Oh, Xavier my love this, Xavier my husband that. And I know you've quit the quidditch team."
"I am allowed to be in love, Sirius," I spit, "You can't be selfish. You get Mary, and I have to pretend to not want love? You are a big headed, pig of a boy, Sirius."
"At least I'm not a Voldemort lover," Sirius snaps. I slap him across the face before I can stop myself. My eyes widen, and I storm out the classroom, straight into Bartemius. I'm close to tears, but they all disappear as he asks, "Are you alright?"
"I'm fine, Bartemius," I force a smile. Barty nods, and shrugs, "Your nose piercing's diamond is flashier today, isn't it?"
I nod, smiling for real this time. He walks off, sauntering that stupid walk he does when he's confident. I storm to the dorm room, where Marlene is plaiting her hair. She looks at me, raising her eyebrows. I bite my tongue, furiously rearranging my desk. Something I have started doing whenever I'm angry is tidying. I slam one of the drawers shut, and Marlene snaps, "Who spat in your ice cream?"
"Sirius Orion Black," I spit, tears welling in my eyes, "That disgusting boy. He runs away at Christmas, and thinks I want to be part Voldemort's little party group. I have never been more disgusted in a boy. If Xavier had been there... I don't even know what I'd say. I am so, SO, angry at him. That pig."

"Did you hit him?" Marlene asks, sitting next to me. I nod, and spit, "Slapped him across his face. I have never been so angry."
"You seem fuming," Lily walks into the room. I spin round to her, and she sighs, "Don't worry, I only heard the bit about hitting someone. I imagine it was Sirius, judging from the way your hand with your ring on it is fine."
I raise my eyebrows, confused. It wasn't even an intentional choice to make. I just decided to hit him. It hadn't really occurred to me that I was hitting him with a different hand. I twist my ring round my finger, and Marlene sighs, "It's miserable on the quidditch pitch without you."
"Well, I needed to quit," I shrug, "And Xav said he was fine with whatever I'd done. Maman thought it best to avoid any huge injuries before the big day. Sirius Orion Black is so... so... Meine Worte funktionieren nicht."
"Excuse me?" Mary asks, walking into the room. I groan, "Ich hasse Sirius. Ich wirklich hasse er."
Marlene shoves me onto my bed, and I squeal as she throws a pillow at me. She yells, "NONE OF US CAN UNDERSTAND YOU WHEN YOU SPEAK GERMAN. OUI OUI BAGUETTE."
I look at her, my eyes wide. She stands, her hands on her hips, and I whisper, "That's french.... I... were you trying to speak German just then?"
Marlene nods, and I sigh, "I'm friends with idiots. Like, actual idiots."
"Awww, we love you too!" Marlene rolls her eyes, and I scoff, "You don't know the difference between french and german, Mary seems to like Sirius and Lily is the only one with even a tiny bit of common sense."
"Sirius isn't-"
"Whatever you're about to say, I can guarantee he is."

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