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Her head was pounding, her body sore, mouth so dry it hurt to swallow, and…she didn't know where she was.

The bed she laid in was soft and warm, so unlike her own. It smelt like cedar and night chilled mist. She knew that smell, if only briefly.

Flashes of memories passed her closed eyelids. Black hair and hazel eyes, a man she didn't know chasing her, something sharp sliding through her skin, into her side.

She sat up, gasping and holding her side, but there was no pain and when she pulled her hand away, there was no blood. She lifted her torn shirt, eyeing the pink scar. How long had she been out for?

She looked around the room, noting the dark furniture. The noon sun set the room in a pretty yellow color, but that wasn't what brought Alyssa's attention to the window. If she could even call it that. The glass went from one wall to the other, from the ceiling to the floor. The whole wall was made of glass and it looked out into the prettiest city she had ever seen. Buildings of different colors sprawled along either side of a river that seemed to soak in and refract the sunlight. Like a rainbow.

Despite the beauty of the city, she saw crumpled buildings that looked like they were in the middle of restoration, and some windows were missing glass. But that didn't stop the Fae as they walked about the city, doing whatever it was people did here during the day.

Alyssa had only heard of this city in passing, from the people who had frequently visited her tavern. Velaris, the City of Starlight. It had been hidden for centuries and even longer than that. It was only revealed during the War against Hybern, used to persuade the other High Lords with assisting the Night Court.

That was where she was technically. The Night Court. She had heard rumors about the Court. About how vicious and cruel they were. How they killed for sport. But this was under their noses the whole time, hidden from Prythian to preserve its beauty and innocence. She saw children running across the bridge that connected one village of shops to another. She could almost cry at their happiness.

She lifted her hand, her palm almost touching the glass when the sound of the door opening caused her to turn quickly. Her heartbeat quickened and then slowed when she saw the male who entered was the one who she met at her tavern and had saved her life. She was going to thank him when others entered after him.

She recognized them immediately as Rhysand and Feyre. High Lord and High Lady of the Night Court. She dropped to her knees immediately, bowing at them. "High Lord. High Lady. It is an honor to be in your presence."

Feyre's soft laugh filled the room, Alyssa lifting her head to see the amused looks on the males faces. "Please, just call us by our names, such formalities are unnecessary. I'm sure you remember Azriel?" Alyssa nodded at that.

"I was actually enjoying that." Rhysand smirked.

Feyre smacked Rhysands arm and it shocked Alyssa to see such casualty between them. "Don't mind my mate, his ego is the size of the Night Court."

"I think it's more the size of my-" He stopped short and then smiled down at Feyre, some unsaid conversation passing between them. "My apologies." He said to Alyssa, still holding that smirk on his face.

"Your name is Alyssa, is that correct?"

"Yes." She dipped her chin in confirmation.

"Alyssa, please stand." She did so quickly. "There is no need to be worried. You are our guest here." Feyre gave her a small smile, almost as if she could understand what it was that Alyssa was feeling.

"How long was I asleep for?" Her voice was rough and she wished that she could have a glass of water. Miraculously one appeared on the coffee table in front of the couches. She looked around and Feyre only chuckled.

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