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They started at the top of the bridge that led to market buildings on both sides. Underneath the bridge was the river-the Sidra-that ran through the city, splitting it two, and around Valeris. Azriel said the buildings were Palaces. And that's what they looked like.

Alyssa took in the beauty of the city lights, staring up at where they twinkled like stars. But they didn't even compare to the actual stars in the sky. Big and bright like there were their own planets.

A warm breeze pushed at Alyssa, the smell of food and spices filled the air. Alyssa's body pulled her that way, but Azriel's hand on her waist stopped her. She looked at him, silently begging him to let her eat. She hadn't had anything since early this morning.

He smiled down at her, his own kind of begging taking over his face. "We can get something at one of the stands, but if you actually eat right now you'll be too tired to walk."

Alyssa thought it over. He was right. They hadn't even really seen the city yet, and though she was starving, she put on a small smile and said, "Okay."

Azriel led her down the bridge, showing her each market that was inside the Palaces. It had been on the same side of the bridge Feyre took her to, so she saw the clothing market again, but also a building with jewelry and fabrics to make your own clothes.

As he said, Ariel got her food at the stands. It was meat on a skewer wrapping bacon and asparagus. She moaned as she took a bite into it and Azriel had this frightened look on his face. She swallowed and laughed, wiping her mouth with the napkin provided. "What?"

"Please never do that to me."

She looked back at the meat stick and laughed. "Don't piss me off."

"Noted." They continued down the street, its pathways packed with citizens. They all looked up at the twinkling lights. "Isn't it beautiful?" Azriel whispered into her ear. It sent shivers down her spine. She looked over at him, feeling the pulses of excitement from earlier when he had teased her. She wasn't even paying attention to the lights anymore and immediately forgot his question.

Something passed behind his eyes that made him pull away. She frowned. He always got the same look in his eyes before he pulled away and changed the subject. She couldn't tell what it was and it frustrated her. But the look was gone and they continued walking.

They stopped at square with string lights hung up above every doorway. Faes milled about, admiring the paintings and sculptures that were put out for viewing. "This is the Artists Square." Azriel said. "Feyre owns a building here where they teach painting, so if you ever want to come, just let her know."

Gods, when was the last time she painted? Months ago, before her mother died. The painting of her beautiful mother was now ashes, mingled with everything else she loved. She wondered if she could find it in herself to paint again.

Despite the meat stick Alyssa had, her stomach growled in hunger. She blushed at the sound, but Azriel smiled. "Alright, we can go eat now."

They walked up the pathway until they ended up at a small restaurant on the edge of the Sidra. It was a two story building with the restaurant being in the lower half. There was a long table that was half in and half out of the store front, but the owner-Sevenda-led them to a table in the back, or was it the front-Alyssa couldn't tell from the small space. Sevenda was pretty and smelt like different spices that compliment each other.

"What can I get for you two?" Sevenda smiled at them, her smile lasting longer on Azriel. Though it wasn't a wanting smile, more like she was happy to see Azriel with a female here. Alyssa wondered how long he was truly alone.

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