Chapter 23

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Apr. 2014, Madrid

She could feel the straps slipping through her fingers, the bag falling to the ground, and all the contents spilling out from it, but she could not care less as her eyes remained glued to the person standing by the table that she'd thought she would never see again.

"Mehmet?" Nura gasped, her voice barely audible as she felt her hands starting to shake. The boy, well more a man than a boy now, stared back at her without blinking, the shock at seeing her again evident in his wide eyes.

"Nura? Oh my God, is that really you?" he said, breaking the weird spell that Nura had been under since the moment she heard Mehmet's voice, and she could finally breathe again.

She jumped over the bag and all the junk that had spilled out of it and threw herself at her brother, almost knocking him off his feet.

"Ya 'iilhi, Nura, ya 'iilhi..." Mehmet kept repeating as a mantra while he hugged the life out of her and petted her hair.

They stood like that for a long time, clutching each other fiercely as if afraid that if they let go for even a second, the other one would be ripped out of their arms, never to be seen again.

Nura heard a throat being discreetly cleared and remembered that they were in the middle of a Madrid cafe, probably making a pretty dramatic picture out of themselves, so she reluctantly stepped back but refused to let go of Mehmet's arm.

"Why don't you guys sit and talk? I'll leave you to it, and you just call me when you are ready to leave, Habibi. Okay?" Nate proposed, to which Nura nodded numbly, not bothering to take her eyes off her brother.

"Okay then," Nate said, and with a quick kiss on Nura's forehead was gone.

"Are you okay, Nura? Do you want me to call the police?" Mehmet urgently asked her as soon as Nate had disappeared from sight, making her whip her head to look at him like he was crazy.

"What? Why would I want you to call the police?"

"You don't have to lie to me. I know that you were taken and sold to the Americans. Is that him? The one who bought you?" he said quickly, not even bothering to stop and take a breath, and Nura felt her head spinning from the overload of information.

"No, he is not the one who bought me, Mehmet; he is my boyfriend, Nate Robins. The CIA bought me as a part of a rescue mission, but how do you know about that?"

"A boyfriend? Nice." Mehmet said and wiggled his eyebrows suggestively, making her roll her eyes.

"Not the time, Mehmet; we will discuss the hunk later. I need to know everything," she said, which made Mehmet sober up quickly.

"Fine, right, okay. Well, after father kicked you out, I got into a huge fight with him, and it kind of slipped out that I was gay," he said and winced at Nura's murderous gaze.

"Kind of slipped out?" she almost shouted incredulously.

"Fine. I actually shouted it into his face when he said that I'm the only child he has left since his daughter turned out to be a Western whore. So, I told him that he doesn't only have a western whore for a daughter but also a sodomite for a son." he said with a crooked smile on his lips, his face almost proud, looking right up until Nura's hand connected with the back of his head.

"You idiot! He could have killed you! What were you thinking, you stupid, stupid boy!" Nura continued hitting him until he took her hand in his and pulled her over into a hug.

"It's okay, Habibi, I'm fine now. But you are right; he could have very well killed me if not for mother. She stepped in for long enough for me to get away. So, I left, went to Auntie's house, and she patched me up, which was when I realized you were not there like I'd thought. I started looking for you as soon as I could stand and not keel over from pain. I searched everywhere, but it was like you had vanished from the planet. Until one day, maybe a month and a half or two later, one of the girls working the brothels finally recognized you from the picture I was showing around and told me that you were sold to an American in some warehouse." Mehmet suddenly stopped and put his head in his hands, his shoulders shaking slightly, and telling Nura that he was crying.

"I wanted to keep looking for you, I promise, but it was pointless. I was so angry with father for kicking you out like that, for making it possible for those monsters to take you and sell you like a piece of meat. So, I packed my bags and borrowed some money from auntie and came here to work." he finished his story, and Nura hugged him, feeling incredibly happy to be able to do that again and so relieved that Mehmet didn't hate her like she'd been afraid he would.

Mehmet then asked her for her side of the story, so she told him everything, from that first horrible night in the basement until she'd stepped into this cafe, not even thinking about hiding or omitting a single thing.

By the look on his face during the first part of the story, she gathered that it was hard for her brother to hear it, but they had promised each other complete honesty a long time ago, and Nura would always honor that promise, even when it was hard or when the truth was way worse than a lie.

"And now you two are together?" Mehmet asked after Nura quieted down, and she nodded, a small smile escaping as Mehmet grinned widely at her.

"Do you love him?" her brother suddenly asked, making her freeze, her eyes glued to the table as she thought about the question.

"I don't... I don't know, I've never been in love before," she said after a while and frowned in confusion.

" scare me to death, Nura because I think I love you."

Nate's words from not even a day before flashed through her mind and made a warm feeling spread through her chest at the thought of a man like Nate actually loving her. She looked up to find Mehmet already looking at her with a knowing glint in his eyes.

"I think you do," he whispered softly, patting her hand.


After two more hours spent reminiscing and the occasional bursting into tears, Mehmet had to go because he had evening classes to get to, so the two of them made a deal to meet again the next day before parting ways for the evening.

The walk back to the hotel was quiet, Nura's mind completely blank after so much excitement during the day that she couldn't even hear the noise of the crowd surrounding her. Nate kept shooting her glances but kept quiet until they entered their room, and the man finally broke.

"Are you okay?" he asked, making her smile for a second as she shut the door before schooling her face into a blank mask and turning around to face him.

"Did you know that Mehmet was going to be there?" she asked him, her voice coming out quiet and flat, and he nodded slowly, his face showing confusion and a bit of fear.

"Was that the wrong thing to do?" he asked as Nura shook her head and walked closer until she was in front of him, barely an inch separating them.

"No, habib albi, nothing wrong about that," Nura whispered in his ear before slowly sliding down to her knees, her hands already finished with the belt and the zipper of Nate's pants before the man even had the time to blink, let alone realize what was happening.

The jeans and the boxers slid down his muscled legs, and Nura was soon presented with a hard and flushed cock swaying in front of her.

The next moment, it was in her mouth, the head poking the back of her throat as Nura swallowed the entire length in one go.

"Oh my... Fuck!" Nate growled, his hands flying to her head and grabbing hold of her hair in a tight grip.

"Fuck, Habibi, you make me crazy." Nate moaned, making her smile as she pulled back just a little, her eyes traveling to the man's and her lips barely grazing the soft skin. And in that moment, she knew, as she gazed at the man of her dreams completely at her mercy, and the words drifted out of her mouth as easily as taking a breath.

"I love you, Nate," she whispered before swallowing him again, her eyes never leaving Nate's as the man screamed out his release and shuddered. 

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