Chapter 18

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Feb. 2014, Montana

"You talk too much habibi albi." Nura whispered into his ear, and at the sound of that word leaving her mouth after almost two months, Nate's face split into a wide smile.

He felt so happy that he couldn't even put it into words as he pulled her back toward him and kissed her.

Her lips parted almost instantly, as Nate drew her bottom lip between his and sucked.

"Mm..." she moaned quietly, and the sound warmed Nate up and spurred him on.

He'd missed her so much, the memories of her kisses and the little pants and moans she had made when Nate had touched her, invading his every thought. He barely managed to control himself to not take her right then, not even caring that anyone could see them or that they were sitting on the snow-covered ground.

But common sense prevailed, and Nate broke the kiss, their warm breaths mixing in white, little clouds as they stared at each other.

"Habibi," Nate whispered, his knuckles caressing Nura's slightly reddened cheek as the girl smiled at the endearment, her eyes lighting up before she pressed her forehead against Nate's and sighed.

"I love it when you call me that," she said quietly while wrapping her hands around his neck as Nate's wrapped around her waist, bringing them closer together.

"Living in a strange country, knowing so few people, and speaking a foreign language is hard sometimes. Don't get me wrong, I am happier here, more than I have ever been back in Morocco, but I still miss it occasionally.

I miss my brother and my aunt. I miss the food and the feeling of knowing everybody around me. But when you call me 'habibi', even though it's just one silly, little word, it makes me feel at home."

Nate smiled sadly at Nura's quiet confession, only then realizing how hard it must be for her. After all, he completely understood what she meant by her words since Nate felt much the same in New York sometimes, especially around Christmas, with his parents so far away.

"You miss your brother very much, don't you?" he asked, knowing from experience that Nura needed to talk about it even if it hurt.

The girl nodded, burying her head in the crook of Nate's neck, her cold nose rubbing against his warm skin and sending shivers down his body.

"I do. We were always very close despite him being younger than me and a man. We never fought like siblings usually do, and we spent all our free time together. He was my best friend and the only person who knew everything about me. He was the only one other than my aunt that I told that I got into the University in Madrid, and he supported me and made me feel a little less alone. But Father found out and threw me out, and I never saw him again.

I am sure he had tried to find me, but those bustards had already taken me by then. And now I am afraid that he hates me or thinks I have left him, and it hurts because if I could, I would go back tomorrow just to see him again, but I can't."


Nate snuggled beneath warm covers after his shower as the snowstorm raged outside, deciding to read a book, but after reading the same sentence for the tenth time, he decided to give up and admit defeat.

His thoughts kept flying back to Nura, a smile spreading across his lips every time until he probably looked like a lunatic grinning at nothing in the quiet room.

They had stayed by the creek for a long time, talking and sharing stories about their childhood, the conversation only broken by heated kisses that kept the cold winter air at bay.

They were finally getting to know each other the way they should have from the beginning if they hadn't been so afraid of opening up and letting the other in.

Nura's whole face would transform while talking about her brother and what they did when they were little, and Nate found himself wincing more than once at the thought of having the two troublemakers as his children. Nura was crazy in a good way, and judging by her stories, her brother was much the same. Nate didn't even want to imagine what sort of trouble those two could get into if they were to be reunited.

He heard the door creak, pulling him out of his thoughts, and raised his eyes, thinking that it was Ma' coming to say 'goodnight' when he saw Nura standing at the doorway.

She looked nervous standing there, fidgeting and wringing her hands as she stared at the ground.

"Hi," Nate said while setting the book on the bedside table and leaving the bed.

"Hi," she said back and looked up through her lashes, a small blush warming her cheeks as Nate approached her.

"I couldn't sleep," she said in a small voice, and Nate nodded, pulling her close to his chest.

"Me neither."

He looked down to find her looking at him, her lips slightly parted as if inviting him to have a taste. He still wasn't sure if he should since he didn't trust himself to stop there, and this time around, Nate didn't have the excuse of being in public to keep him in check.

He also didn't want to make Nura uncomfortable or make her think that Nate only wanted her body, but, in the end, the girl made the decision for him.

"Kiss me," she said, wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling him closer, so he did.

He kissed her slowly, little nips and pecks that made her let out those wonderful sounds he adored. They moved to the bed, never pulling apart for more than a second, trying to make up for their time apart.

Their clothes stayed on, and Nate was okay with it, as just the opportunity to hold her close, her wonderful smell filling his nose and her taste on his tongue was more than enough for now.

"Can I stay here tonight?" she asked after a while, her voice barely audible, so quiet her inquiry as if afraid he would say no.

"You can stay forever."

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