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         When Thomas woke up the next morning, he wished the events from last night weren't a dream. He opened his eyes and looked over to Newt, who was staring at the ceiling. The blond turned his face so he could face Thomas and smiled when he saw that he was awake, too. "Morning." The blond said weakly, obviously that he just woke up.

        "Good to know I wasn't dreaming." Thomas chuckled quietly.

       Newt smiled. "I didn't know you were dreaming about me kissing you." He teased.

       "You don't know everything about me, darling."

        "Don't you dare steal the nickname I gave you." Newt playfully punched Thomas, almost falling out of his bed, which made Thomas laugh hysterical. "Shh. Don't you wanna spend some time alone?Away from them."

        Thomas followed Newt back on the hill. The sun was already up and everyone will wake up soon. The brunette looked at Newt, feeling his heart jump in his heart because of all the joy and the butterflies in his stomach dancing. When they lay down on the wet grass, Thomas felt shivers going through his body.

        He was surprised when Newt leaned in and pecked his lips quickly. Thomas pulled him back for a proper kiss, and Newt mumbled something in disagreement. "Thomas, someone might wake up and.."

        "I don't care if they see us." The brunette stopped him immediately. "I just got you back. Again. I  won't let someone make me lose you."

        Thomas saw the warm smile growing on Newt's face, and it made his heart happy. "Where was this part of you?"

        "Let's just say I don't let anyone see it."

        The blond hummed. "I feel special."

        The brunette cupped his face in his palm. "You are special to me." And then he planted a kiss on his nose.

       Newt giggled. "Ok, maybe it's too much. You're too cute, darling. I can't handle it."

        "Look who's talking." Thomas pecked the blond's lips again.



        The boy didn't spend much more time with Thomas before Minho came up to them. The look of shock on his face was priceless. "I- What did I miss?"

         Newt rolled his eyes. "Nothing."

         "Nothing?!" Minho scoffed. "A few hours ago, you wouldn't even look at him, and now you're staying up here?" A thought flashed in his mind, Newt could see. "Wait. No! There's no way!" His friend covered his mouth. "Thomas, Vince is looking for you, why don't you go see what he wants while I talk to Newt?"

        Newt had to bit his lip to stop himself from laughing. The boy watched his Tommy walk down the path they came, looking back twice. The blond felt so happy now that everything was good between them, even better.

       "Now, tell me what happened!"

       Newt told him how he couldn't sleep, so he came here to relax, and Thomas followed him. How they fought before Newt closed the distance between them. How they spent time to talk. "Wait. So you're telling me you were all alone, in the middle of the night?" Newt saw the smirk on Minho's face.

        "Minho!" Newt suddenly felt the urge to slap some sense in his friend. "No!"

        His friend chuckled. "Good."

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