3: Being Chosen

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After the long talk with Carol, Y/n and Hal make their way to a family get-together. Today was a birthday party, and Y/n was almost half tempted to stay in his car.

Hal: I'm gonna go see how everything's going.

Giving no response, Y/n just stays in the car and overlooks the neighborhood. Hal walks inside, looking at Jack and his sister, Janice watch the news regarding Y/n's test today.

News Reporter: A test pilot's daring maneuvers almost ended in tragedy. Witnesses say pilot Y/n Jordan ejected at the last possible second before his jet crashed in the open desert. He's the son of the late Martin Jordan, who was killed in his own ill-fated test flight back in 1993. Now, we are told that Y/n Jordan is doing fine right now, though we have yet to hear an official statement from Ferris Aircraft...

Hal: [Walks in] Hey, guys. How's the party?

Jack: Where is he, Hal?

Hal: He's, uh, in his car.

Jack: Get him in here.

Hal sighs and goes to get Y/n from his car, but he walks through the door and putsa a present on the counter.

Y/n: 'Sup, everyone. [Gets into fridge]

Jack: Hey. How was work?

Y/n: [Grabs orange juice] Oh. It was amazing, Jack. Thanks for asking. [Notices his sister] Hey, Janice.

Jack: Just help me out here, because I'm really trying to understand this. [Y/n hums in response] Do you wanna be like him so bad, you need to die like him, too?

Y/n: You just assume it was my fault.

Jack: I talked to Carl, Y/n. [Y/n chuckles sarcastically] You pushed the plane past its limits...

Y/n: Because that's my job. It was an accident. You can even ask Hal. Everyone walked away.

Jack: Like your motorcycle accident? The one that put you in the hospital for a month?

Y/n: [Jack walks away] Y'know, I miss all this quality family time. Good talk, Jack.

Jack walks out of the room, Hal follows him and Janice tries stopping them from doing so. Y/n proceeds to look Jim Jordan, his little brother.

Y/n: [Confused] Where's Jason?

Jim: He's in his room.

Y/n: Why?

Jim explained to Y/n why Jason was in his room, and it all tied into the accident during today's test flight. He walks up the stairs and goes to an opened room, seeing a little boy sitting on his bed.

 He walks up the stairs and goes to an opened room, seeing a little boy sitting on his bed

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This was Jason, son of Jack and Janice. He was looking down at the floor, obviously having heard of the news concerning Y/n's plane accident.

Y/n: [Knocks on the door] Hey, it's Uncle Y/n. What's up there, Ace? [Sits on bed] This is the worst 11th birthday party I've ever been to. [Throws present on bed] No dancing girls? What's going on...?

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