6: Getting the Girl

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When Y/n left Oa, he didn't know what would happen to the Green Lanterns, but they were going to do whatever they had to in order to keep Parallax at bay. At the Science Building, Hector was teaching a class, all while he had the very power Parallax controls inside of him.

Hector: [Student runs into room and sits down] That until recently, we didn't realize... that many of these little critters that we've been calling bacteria weren't bacteria at all. They were an entirely different type of primitive prokaryotic cell. These little buggers, called archaeans, are still poorly understood. [Hears something] Um... But might turn out to be different from bacteria... [Hears something else] But might turn out to be as different from bacteria as bacteria is from us. [Holds head] Some people call them extremophiles... because they live in the most environments on Earth, such as... 

???: [Silently] God, he's so boring.

Hector: [Continues] The boiling waters of a geyser.

???: [Silently] What a loser.

Hector: [Turns to a student] Michael!

Michael: Huh?

Hector: What did you say?

Michael: I didn't say anything.

Hector: [Steps forward; curious] Did you just call me a loser?

???: [Silently] What kind of freak is this guy?

Hector: "Freak"?!

Chuckling at the remark he thought his student was making, Hector uses his new found abilities given from Parallax to toss Michael out of his seat, making him land hard on the ground in front of the other students and his teacher.

Hector: Class dismissed.

He walks out of the classroom and leaves the building, heading on home to get a sample of his blood. He looks at his computer and notices something odd about his molecules. They were being corrupted by some kind of yellow power. It was from here he got a message from his father, telling him to be at his office at 3pm.

 It was from here he got a message from his father, telling him to be at his office at 3pm

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Sen. Hammond: [Walks into office with Hector] So how you been? Been a while. So you had a rough night last night. Did you get her name, huh? [Tickles Hector; they laugh] You need to get some sleep, son. Have a seat.

Hector: What can I do for you, Dad?

Sen. Hammond: Well, actually, you've already done it. For me and for your country.

Hector: [Confused] What are you talking about?

Sen. Hammond: [Opening safe; grabs analysis] I'm talking about you impressing a whole lot of very important people.

Hector: Where did you get that?

Sen. Hammond: I'm on a subcommittee overseeing the agencies involved. Top-secret, of course.

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