10: Returning Home

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18 years after the incident in Metropolis, Y/n got himself a place in Metropolis and watched over the city with quite the eye. The last time he saw Clark Kent, he had just finished seeing the Man of Steel kill General Zod, a warrior of Krypton who was looking to kill Clark. He reported to the Guardians every now and then, letting them know what happened during the situation, but the one thing he was looking forward to doing was going home for some well deserved time with his family. Instead of flying there, he would put on his ring and fly to Coast City, heading to his first destination: His old apartment. Hal Jordan was currently at Ferris Aircraft, flying a plane for the latest creation.

Hal: [Through headset] Tom, these Sabres are definitely an improvement over the last ones!

Thomas: [Through headset] Well, Y/n did say we should boost the ceiling on them. Speaking of which, I got a call from him, saying he was back from his little "intergalactic peacekeeper" business.

Hal: [Shocked] Really? Where is he? Is he in the building?

Thomas: [Through headset] No, he actually called me from your place.

Hal was somewhat excited, so he wanted to get this test flight finished ASAP. After finishing his test flight, Hal quickly made his way to the apartment and walked into the room, seeing Y/n smiling at him.

Y/n: I needed to see my favorite brother.

Hal: [Walks over and hugs him] Y/n. Why didn't you tell me you were coming by? And you were even on the news 18 years ago.

Y/n: Yeah, about that. The Guardians got some news about trouble happening in Metropolis, so I needed to check it out.

Hal: Well, sit back and relax. I'll get some food set up.

Y/n: [Brings hands up] Actually, Hal, I was gonna--

Hal: [Smirks] Let me guess: You had planned to come see both me and Carol?

Y/n: You know me so well.

The brothers share a hug and Y/n leaves, heading straight to Carol's place. He flew there, obviously to give her the surprise of her life, and landed on the roof. He climbed into the room and had a smile on his face, ready to give Carol one of the best early birthday present ever. He walked down the stairs and saw her, sitting at a computer typing on it.

Y/n: [Knocks on wall; she turns to the sound] Hey.

Carol: [Smiles to him] Y/n.

The two share a hug and kiss, happy to see each other. He brought her up to the roof, where the two would look up at the stars in amazement.

 He brought her up to the roof, where the two would look up at the stars in amazement

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Carol: So, what have you been up to?

Y/n: Oh, you know, the usual. Keeping the entire galaxy safe from danger, protecting my planet and everyone in it, and coming home every single day to see the one person who's been my courage through this whole Green Lantern business.

Carol: [Giggles] Oh, I wonder who that could be...

Y/n: [Chuckles] It's been really cool watching over the whole universe, Carol.

Carol: But doesn't it seem like too much work sometimes?

Y/n: [Slouches down] Sometimes, but not all the time. It's just boring not having you, Tom and Hal there with me.

Carol: [Lays down next to him] I don't think I could ever do what you do, Y/n. I mean, don't get me wrong. Being a space cop seems fun, but it's too much for me to handle.

Y/n: Hey, you could do anything you set your mind to. I mean, Executive of your own company, a test pilot with yours truly, and the most beautiful girl I've ever met.

Carol: [Giggles] You can be a real idiot sometimes, Y/n, but it's one of the reasons why I like you.

Y/n and Carol share yet another kiss. This was one they were going to cherish for their entire life. Meanwhile in Metropolis, a black woman was standing in the Courthouse, talking about a situation that involved Superman.

Immigrant Woman: The woman in the village heard a noise. Like the sky cracked open. He came down. Then came fire. Even worse came after. The government attacked. No mercy in the villages. My parents tried to run.

After she was done talking, a woman in front of her began talking.

This was Senator June Finch, and in saying she wasn't really happy about the appearance of people like Superman and Green Lantern in cities like Metropolis and Coast City, even the Batman in Gotham City, was right on the point

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This was Senator June Finch, and in saying she wasn't really happy about the appearance of people like Superman and Green Lantern in cities like Metropolis and Coast City, even the Batman in Gotham City, was right on the point.

Sen. Finch: The world has been so caught up with what Superman can do, that no one has asked what he should do. Let the record show that this committee holds him responsible.

Immigrant Woman: He'll never answer to you. He answers to no one. Not even, I think, to God.

The world was torn apart numerous times by superhumans, and it was time to hold them responsible for all accounts. Even though his intentions were pure, in Coast City during the incident with Parallax, Green Lantern caused as much damage as the threat did, and the world felt the same way towards Superman with the alien invasion just 18 years ago. It was here Y/n and Carol were sitting in the room, watching the whole thing.

Immigrant Woman: And what of the appearance of the Green Lantern? Superman's not the only one out there, so no matter what you try to do, you won't silence the people who care about him.

Sen. Finch: This "Green Lantern" has only been seen in the world on a few major accounts, one of these times being in Coast City, when a giant tentacled monster appeared, sucking the people dry and reducing them to nothing but skeletons. His appearance to the world is being looked at, but until he does something that tells us he's on our side, he's as much a target as Superman is.

Carol picks up the remote and changes the channel, not listening to this idiot bad mouthing her boyfriend like this.

Y/n: You know, I don't blame the people for thinking so horrible about me.

Carol: [Turns away] Doesn't change the fact she doesn't know what she's talking about. When that thing attacked the city, you did everything you could to stop it.

Y/n: [Places hand over her shoulder] Carol, I'm my own superhero, sure. But if I want to be on the government's side, I need to abide by the same rules as your normal human being.

Carol: [Turns back to him] But you are a normal human being, Y/n.

Y/n: [Brings ring out] With a superpowered ring that gives me the ability to construct anything my mind can think of, and with something like that in the wrong hands, anything's possible. I don't like this anymore than you do, but it's just something we superheroes have to deal with.

Carol once again turns away, not believing Y/n's talking about himself like this, and keeps her back turned. He gives her a hug and kisses her cheek, which after a bit, she turns over to him. The two share a kiss, turn the television off and head to bed, forgetting about this whole thing.

Word Count: 1212

Beware My Power: DCU x Male Green LanternWhere stories live. Discover now