5-Unfamiliar place, familiar darkness

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Gore and torture warning!

"Take the oni off first!". The imperium guards had taken Lloyd off the prison of a so called ship first. By this point he was still drowsy from the darts and couldn't quite tell what was going on, let alone lift his head or move. He was stuck in a state of sleep paralysis forced to watch the ground moving under him as a soldier heaved Lloyd onto his shoulder. The others were tied to what looked like a center flag post, bound with vengstone. "Where are they taking Lloyd?" Aron asked, worried for the sake of his master in his current state. "And why are they calling Lloyd an oni? I thought oni are evil and destructive?"
The four original ninja looked at each other at soras remark. Do they tell them? It was Lloyd's secret after all.

Inside imperium lab

They had dragged Lloyd through the halls, he was fully conscious by now and the pain that had been previously numbed by his sleepiness now hot him like a brick wall, shattering him in the process. When this new wave of pain had passed, he realized that he had been suspended by the writs around an inch of the ground, the cuffs yet again being drilled into his hands. They had also rehooked the mask tighter than it was before. The pain he could get used to, what concerned him was the darker figure, next to him and yet so far away, suffering the same fate. "Hello?" Lloyd said, trying to turn his body in order to face the figure. He stoped. Hissing in pain he winced as the spot where the dart had struck him, near the collarbone, had turned black and cracked. It had poisoned him. The dart wasn't ment to make him weak for a while so they could capture him, it was made to keep him weak, weak for as long as they wanted him to be. "Open the door.". Lloyd heard someone say from behind the door, but he couldn't quite make out who. When they stepped forward through the door, he realized who they were. It was Lord ras, Dr larow and jordana, all standing there, ras at the font leading them. "Ah there you are little oni, oh I forgot, your a source dragon too, oh how do you manage all that power little thing?" Ras' sinister and calm tone was diminishing of Lloyd. Meanwhile, jordana in the back had started staring at Lloyd's wide eyed ant what she was hearing. "Dr, jordana, go and get the antidote,". The two left and then it was just Lloyd, ras, and the stranger. "I take it that you've aquatinted yourself with your guest," ras said gesturing to the shadowed figure with his voice. Lloyd refused to speak. "The silent type are we now?" It was patronizing hearing ras drone on and on. Soon the dr and jordana brought in a single needle filled with a clear, turquoise tinted liquid. Ras demanded with a glare that the dr should use it. Dr pulled Lloyd's top down slightly revealing his gash that had since grown. The dr hesitated which lead to lord ras to snatch it off her and ruthlessly stab Lloyd in his wound causing his so scream in pain so loud that if the walls had not been soundproofed, it would have been heard for miles. Jordana looked horrified, you could see it in her eyes but she dared not to show it with an expression. When the fluid had been injected, the spot started to shrink and the holes in his ankles began to heal up rapidly. Lloyd looked exhausted, having now power then having it all surge through you at once was soul shattering, even for him. Lord ras had a sadistic look of pleasure on his face after seeing his 'lab rat' scream out in agony. Ras had also realized the super healing, grabbed a knife and proceeded to stab Lloyd in the side of his abdomen. Lloyds ear piercing screamed only made his smile larger. Now that Lloyd's eyes had adjusted to the darkness of the room, he could make out the figure. Lord ras caught on tho the realization in his eyes. "So you know him? You know more of your kind then. WHERE ARE THEY! WHERE ARE THE REST OF THE ONI?!?!" Lloyd knew the answer to that. They were dead. He was a murderer. The tiny voice in his head kept going on and on to the point where he believed it. And as for the other prisoner next to him, it was his father.

Earlier on the ship

They had just dragged Lloyd off the ship, calling him a monster, a freak, the one thing that he feared to be called. Kai, Nya, Cole and Zane's all knew that, as for sora and Aron and wildfire, they were deeply confused by the whole situation. "Kai?" Aron asked
"Yea kid?"
"Why were they calling Lloyd an oni?"
The group fell silent. "Let's just focus on getting out of here" Cole remarked, trying to change the subject, but it was too late. Guards were all ready there to take them inside to meet whatever horrors awaited them. They were lead into a room and suspended by their wrists, luckily the cuffs weren't drilled into their hands. "Where is Lloyd?!?" Kai screamed at the guards. "Oh that little freak of nature you call your friend is suffering appropriately," lord ras said walking into the room, "tell me just how something can be human, oni AND an source dragon all at once?"
"He what?!" Sora shouted
"Guards! Shut her up," lord ras demanded
"What sir!" Dr larow said running into the room
"Sir, you want to see a demonstration of oni power, well there's a phrase; never anger an oni, and well, if our little experiment cares for these people, what happens when we, let's say, put them in a little situation?"
"Oh I like the way you think doctor," ras said with the same sadistic smile creeping up and distorting his face...

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