Chapter 27: My Baby Boy

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3 months into pregnancy

"Ouch," I wince, from the leg cramps, I've been having all day. "Madi, You want me to get Nana?" Hudson asks, sweetly. I shake my head, not wanting to trouble anyone. "Are you sure?" Hudson looks at me, curiously. I smile, "Yes, Thank you, Hud," I chuckle, as he nods, playing with his toy car. 

"Madison, Did you complete those files?" Damien comes into my room, out of nowhere. "Yes, they're on the desk," I reply. Damien nods, grabbing them, while he ties his tie. "You have a meeting at 3," I inform him before he exits my room. "Thanks," He replies, leaving. 

"Madi?" Mom knocks on the already-open door. "Yes?" I ask, turning my head to her with a smile. I grew habituated to calling Mrs. Nighingale, Mom, as she insisted. "I brought soup," She comes in. "Thank you, Mom," I grin, licking my lips because of my favourite soup. 

She sits next to me. I keep my laptop aside. Ever since I completed my second month of pregnancy. Damien insisted, I worked from him, and only came in, into the office if it was an emergency or an important meeting. I couldn't believe how thoughtful he actually is under that cold face, he wears all day. 

Mom looks at me lovingly, slowly feeding me. "I always wanted a daughter," She grins at me. "I wish I had a mother like you too," Her eyes soften. "Didn't you have a mother?" She asks, "A mother who loved to degrade me," I came to terms with the fact that my mother's death was not my fault, and she was actually a toxic mother. 

"Oh sweetie," Tears prick her eyes, as I wipe them off. "Don't worry, I'm okay," She nods. "You remind me of the time when I was pregnant with Damien," She chuckles. "Really?" I curiously stare at her. "The cramps, and cravings I had with him," She shakes her head, chortling. 

"When I was pregnant with my daughter, I barely had any cramps-" She reveals, I look at her confused. "You had a daughter?" Her eyes widen in realization, blush creeping on her cheeks. "I-I," She stutters, not being able to find the words to explain. 

"You don't have to tell me," I squeeze her hand, gently. "Damien was 13, he was diagnosed with a tumour," She reveals, "I needed money for his treatment, I sold myself for a night with a rich guy," She squeezes her eyes shut, tears falling out. "I got pregnant; at first, he refused to take responsibility, but then after I gave birth, he took her away from me," A sob escapes from her mouth. 

I take the soup from her hands, keeping it on the nightstand. I pull her into a hug. "Have you tried looking for her?" I ask, knowing how good Damien is, at that kind of stuff. "I did," She sucks in a breath. "Damien kept in touch with her father, I couldn't, I couldn't even look at her pictures without my heart breaking." 

I pull away from the hug, wiping her tears. "I'm sure your daughter would've loved you, you should meet her," I advise, holding her hands. Mom nods her head, smiling. "I named her Madison," My eyes widen in surprise. "Wow," I chuckle in disbelief. 

"Madison?" She calls out to me. "Her father's name was Elijah," She reveals. I look at her in confusion, before the realization hits me. I stand up in shock. "Mad- I- Daug-" She softly smiles at me, nodding her head. I gasp. She stands up too, pulling me into a hug. "You're my daughter, Madison," She reveals. 

It all started to make sense. Why the woman, who I thought was my mother, hated me so much? Why I had a feeling, I was adopted. Why I felt a connection with Mom. "Does Damien know?" I ask. She nods her head. "That was the first thing, he looked for; after he got into the mafia." She chuckles, bitterly. "As much as he loathed Elijah, he kept in touch with you. He was your secret guardian, secretly protecting you." 

"That's why, he came to Florida. You're his little sister. That's why, he is so caring towards you." 

"That's a lot to take in," I start to cry, really because of my pregnancy mood swings, but it was such an emotional moment too. I met my biological mother and my brother. Half-Brother, technically. "Who's Damien's father?" I ask, "A man named Nikolai," She reveals. 

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