Chapter 16: Scream my name, baby

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I gasp when Edward tears my panties and skirt, altogether. My blouse was next. I unbutton Edward's shirt as he throws away the ripped apart, pieces of clothes to the ground. He helps me take off his shirt as I also throw it on the ground, somewhere. 

Before I could go for his pants, Edward crushes his mouth to mine. The kiss filled with passion, getting sloppier by the second. Edward trails his kisses down to my jaw, as my hands make my way to his hair. 

"Edward," I moan, "Yes, baby?" He responds, palming his hand against my sex. I try to move my hips for more friction causing Edward to smirk at me. "Impatient much?" He chuckles, teasing my hardened nipples with his other hand. 

He leans closer to my tits before taking my bud in his mouth. I whimper under his touch, my pussy begging for his touch. I could feel the wetness between my legs, the smell of the arousal reaching my nostrils. 

My hands move lower, and I pull Edward's pants down, after unzipping them. Edward helps me by shrugging the pants away from his legs. The pants land somewhere on the floor. The only barrier, left between us were his boxers, but even through them, I could see his hardened cock. As far as I could tell, he had the length and the girth; Is there one thing this man lacks in?

 I gasp as Edward thrusts two fingers inside, trailing his kisses down to my navel. "Oh, Edward," I moan, as Edward's kisses move down to my inner thigh. I grab a hold of his hair, tugging on it slightly as pleasure overpowers me. 

Edward sucks on my clit, removing his fingers as I whine, the pleasuring feeling suddenly gone. "Do you like that, Moonlight?" Edward asks, licking my sex. I tug on his hair harder, wanting more. 

I feel the pressure build up in my stomach, indicating I was close, "Edward," I wince in pleasure. "Come for me, sweetheart," Edward says, as I moan, coming in his mouth. Edward takes a second, to look up at me, asking if I want to continue, with his eyes. I nod in response, words getting stuck in my throat. 

Edward smirks, removing his boxers revealing his hard cock, that stood tall. I glance at Edward's eyes before gawking at his cock again. With one quick thrust, Edward fills me up as I gasp in surprise, not expecting that. Suprisngly, there was little to no pain, only pleasure. 

Edward keeps thrusting inside me, following a rhythm as I scratch his back, the pleasure overwhelimg me. My nails dug deeper into his shoulders as he groans. He nibbles on my nipple, giving more pleasure than ever. A few whimpers leave my mouth. 

Suddenly, Edward hits my g-spot, his thrusts getting faster and deeper as I scream, "Edward," Followed off by a couple moans. 

"That's it, love,"

"Scream my name, baby,"

I suddenly come apart, followed by Edward. He groans, releasing his seed onto me. My shoulders finally relax as I breath heavily. 

And I thought, that orgasm he gave me the other night was mindblowing. 

Edward lays down next to me, pulling me into a spooning position. "Let's get you cleaned up?" Edward asks, as I shake my head, "Too tired," I mummer. Edward pecks my forehead, standing up as I look at him confused. 

He walks to the bathroom, before coming out with a wet clean towel. I smile at his thoughtful gesture. "As much as I love to see my cum drip down your thighs, unfortunately I do have to clean it," Edward says as I blush hard. Edward cleans me up, occasionally throwing a few licks here and there. 

"Fuck, I did not use protection, want me to go get plan-b?" He asks, "I'm on birth control," I point out as Edward raises his eyebrows. "My gynac suggested me to get on it since I tend to have bad menstrual cramps," He gives me a worried look as I shrug. 

"Want me to change the sheets, angel?" Edward asks, as I shake my head, opening my arms for him to come join me in bed. He smiles, before laying down beside me. He, again, pulls me into a spooning position. I didn't even realize, when I fell asleep. 


I hum, as someone shakes me, waking me up from my slumber. "Yeah?" I yawn, rubbing my eyes. "It's time for dinner, moonlight," Edward says, "Are we ordering?" I ask as Edward shakes his head, "I cooked us some pasta," he says, picking me up. 

That's when I realized, I was not naked as I expected. I was wearing his shirt, with my shorts. I smile, realizing he helped me wear clothes while I slept. Gosh, this man makes me fall for him more and more. 

"Edward?" "Yes, Moonlight?"

"I love you," "I love you too,"

As we reach the kitchen, Edward sits down, on one of chairs, pulling me onto his lap as I smile. The plate in front of us, was already filled with pasta, enough for two people. "I know you are a vegeterian so I made you Alfredo pasta," I turn around, pecking his cheek. 

"That's not enough," Edward smirks, bringing his lips closer to mine, tilting his hand. I also move my head closer, our lips touching. He moves his lips softly against me, My hands automatically move up to his hair. 

"Let's eat," Edward says, breaking the kiss, I nod. He takes some pasta on the fork, feeding me. Using the same fork, he feeds himself as I blush. hard. 

"Edward," I whisper, as he feeds me the last bite. "What's wrong, Madi?" he asks, a concerned expression lingering on his face. "I'm scared," I say, "I know as soon as our parents come back from the honeymoon, Dad will reveal, he is alive, and blah blah blah... I know they will be too distracted to focus on us, but what if they do? What if they force us apart?" I explain my worries to him, as he looks at me softly, listening to me, very carefully. 

"No one can force you apart from me, I won't let them, They will wish death meets them before I do," My expression softens at his response, "But still," I look down in worry. 

Using his pointer finger on my chin, he lifts my face up, to meet his gaze. "I cannot lose you," I say, "You won't," Edward promises. I peck his lips before burying my face into his neck. I inhale his scent, as it for some reason, brings peace to me. 


My girl nuzzles her face into my neck, as I smile; taking in her warmth. She is the most perfect women ever, in my fucking eyes. I love her so fucking much. I'll do anything for her, even if it means killing people. No one and I mean no fucking person, alive can take her apart from me. 

She is mine, only mine. 

I'll kill and torture every. single. fucking. person. who say otherwise. Even if it's my own fucking father. 

She suddenly gets up from my lap, as I look at her confused. My shoulders tense, feeling her warmth go away. "I'm going to go shower," She explains, I nod, smiling softly, nonetheless. She hesitates for a second, before uttering, "Want to join?" My smile widens at that. 

I stand up, picking her up in my arms as she yelps in surprise. "I would rather be shot, than say no to that," I carry her to the washroom. 

We both strip naked, standing under the shower as water rains over the both of us. I gulp, my cock hardening, seeing her naked and wet, My gaze lingers on her sexy body, not having enough of it. She takes the bottle of body-wash but I quickly snatch it from her. 

I dump a lot of body wash onto my hands instead of the loofah. My hands wander around her body, 'cleaning her,' She moans at my touch as I rub the body wash onto her soft skin. My hands move lower, to her pussy. She whimpers at my touch. "Are you too sore?" I ask, as she looks at me confused, before shaking her head, as 'no,' 

"Great," I smash my lips on her again, never having enough of her. I'm sure, we can manage a couple of rounds tonight. 




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