"Well, that just about wraps the topics for Unit one. Remember, my email is always open for any queries you may have."
Get this fucking lesson over with, woman!
It does not take long at all for me to begin to get tired of the school system.
I think I've droned on enough in this topic, but just one more point won't kill me.
It's the monotony, I think.
If I look deeper into it, I think it's the fact that life is monotonous that hurts me.
Get up, eat, go to work - or school - come home, eat, go to bed. Rinse and repeat until the day you can't.
Despite my best efforts at keeping a healthy view on life, repetition kills it for me. The lack of true freedom, the cycle of life we encapsulate ourselves in because society deems it the correct path for us all. Maybe I should be a hermit and bigger off to the wilderness. There is an abundance of untouched wilderness to inhabit.
I suppose like Durnington, in many ways.
A couple months of being a resident here is all I have needed to deduce that the people of this city do not give two shits about "societal norms" and all that malarkey.
It's subtle in it's anarchy, but it's there.
There is the drug problem for sort, which I've begun to pick up on. Especially in school, there is at least one kid in each class, geeking out on something horrific.
Despite the incessant drug use, which is the most I've seen anywhere, even in the news, the council hasn't done much about it.
No flyers, posters or adverts on the telly about drugs, not their dangers or who to contact to get off them. Just a bit of researching I did at stupid-o'clock at night was enough to tell me that there were only a few campaigns against the drug problem in Durnington, most of which starting and fizzling out in the nineties.
Although, some dodgy statistics show that the total means amount of addicted people has gone down significantly, align side the importation of serious drugs like heroin and krokodil, which caused a minor epidemic between 1987 and 1991. The website I read that on called it the "Zombie Outbreak," most likely due to the adverse side affects of desomorphine (yes, that is what krokodil is. I need to go to bed earlier)
Overall, it looks like the main "problem" is marijuana, like every other city in every other country.
I have certainly not helped that statistic.
I shudder at the thought of my little...adventure with the green leaf of ultimate wisdom.
I was convinced, if only for a moment, that I was about to meet my maker at the hands of a fucking plant. It's embarrassing more than anything, and thank fuck Daryll was there.
Speaking of which, where the fuck has he been?
Despite it being the last lesson, and much to my mental benefit the last ten minutes , of Friday. And I haven't seen him once.
I know he's in, I get subtle glimpses of him, lurking at the back; the rear of crowds; never in the canteen, always somewhere distant.
I've contradicted myself there, I have seen him, just not anywhere near as much as I would like.
Maybe I'm getting too attached, like he's cute and all and I don't mind thinking about him in certain... situations but there is something really fucking off about him.
Like really off.
I am pretty much entirely fixated in him at the moment, probably because I've done a proper good job at keeping to myself, and I haven't really engaged with others. Except for Kath, whom I haven't seen much either.
Not that I'm complaining, but it feels good to realise why I am focused on that mysterious coyote
Roman d'amourI miss you. I miss your smell, the feeling of your fur under my paws. I miss how you fit with me, how close we could get. How close we were. I miss your touch, the one that used to send shivers up my spine. Every time you grabbed my hand to hold, or...