May 13th, 2024, 5:45AM

2 1 0

Dear Diane,

Steph is picking me up this morning. I am nervous as heck for this trip. My car is old and could not make it the distance to and from, and we would probably be stranded on the highway somewhere in the middle of nowhere. She drives a cool Subaru, and it looks newer? So we are taking her car. She is supposed to be here in 15 minutes and we will drive for 3 hours alone in the car.

Well, we have been talking non-stop since our lunch together (date? Frate? Friend date?), so that's at least something.

I am going to tell her about this journal today in the car. I know that really is something she needs to know about before we go on this trip, but I haven't had the courage until now. She has to know why I have this thing attached to me at all times.

Maybe today is the day I tell her about Oliver too. I just hope they disappear before she gets here to help me with my bags. He's been staring at the door for the last half hour, almost like they are the one expecting someone today!

It would be really awkward to explain. I can see it now:

Me: Hi! This is Oliver, my live-in ghost roommate! They're only around half the time and I don't think they can really leave so don't be worried about them!

Steph: Screams and never talks to me again

Me: well, that went well.

Please Oliver, go away for a few minutes while I try to gather the courage to explain you,


Dear DianeWhere stories live. Discover now