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*✦ʙᴀᴅ ᴡᴇᴀᴛʜᴇʀ✦*


"So you understand that newbie?"

"Aye aye captain!" You said making a salute as the worker in front of you just sighed and handed you a watch.

"Here's the watch, tasks will be sent through here. Try not to mess up too much." He said as you took the watch wrapping it around your wrist, watching as it started up.

"If you need help, ask one of your coworkers." And with that the man left to go back to his own work.

Man, it's been 4 weeks and you've got your first job here! Well the interview had gotten post poned due to the whole Demon bull King destruction but you got if in the end.

You pulled on the collar of your jumpsuit that you'd been given, feeling hot in it already, the curse of having to wear clothes with fur for skin.

"Alrighty [Y/n]! Time to put in your A game!"

Looking at all the levers and pipes that ran in the place aswell as buttons that would allow you to work the system for all the different weather activities up at the top floor.
Man Luz really left a lot out about the human world! It's so much more interesting then she'd talked about.


Your first task of the day!

Pool wave area :
-increase wave power slowly over the course of 5 minutes
-decrease the speed after 1 minute

With the sense of wanting to do your job well and not mess things up you went to the area in the control room that you'd remembered where the pool section was.

Everyone was busy doing their own tasks as you walked passed them and got to the area you needed, looking down at the buttons and lever you needed to manage.

Pushing onto the button that would activate the wave calmy as you set a timer for it.

Yeah this was going to be easy.


You wiped a hand across your forehead, feeling the heat of this place finally greeting you, you'd already tied the top part of your jumpsuit around your waist like a jack leaving you in just a tanktop as you fought with a broken lever that is surprisingly still stuck despite your pulling.

"Okay, this only ends in one way, your going down." You stated placing a foot against the pipe as you heard the old pipe slowly creek as it finally started to move after all that struggling.

As it made its way halfway down you heard a creek behind you.

Turning your head around you saw two bull clones holding.. rope?

The three of you just stared at each before they suddenly did some muffled cry jumping you.

Your flight or fight instinct kicked in making you let go of the lever and ditch the surprise attack as you jumped to the side as the two crashed into the area you were, but hey! They pulled down the lever for you!

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