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"Say, this might be a bit late but what's your world like?"

You hummed twisting your head around and looking at Yin who was standing behind you, scratching the back of his head as he waited. You put down the pencil pushing your practice paper away, turning around in your chair to face him.

"Yea, we never really asked did we?" Jin said shutting his comically large book and looking over the couch.

"Well... for starters I'd say things like our vehicles, day to day things or food and other stuff are a bit more..." You pondered for a word to describe it.

"My human friend puts it as : terrifyingly fantastical!" You stated lifting a finger up.

" 'How so?" Jin asked as he tilted his head as Yin propped himself on a desk.

"For example! Our version of 'cars' are alive other inanimate objects are alive there aswell like street lamps!" You said trying to give off multiple examples that could be easily comparable.

"Woah, woah! 'How does somethin' like that work?" Yin questioned confused.

"It's like their jobs?" That's the best way to put it.

"Sounds a bit weird I'll be 'onest with ya." Jin said slightly joking but also a bit serious.

"Maybe, but I grew up with it so it's home to me." You said shrugging your shoulders.

"Oh! One major difference though is that everyone can use magic in my dimension."

"Is the magic any different from 'ere?" Yin asked curiously.
You just gave a 'I dunno' expression as you stood up.

"I mean, I can demonstrate what we have?" You proposed, looking at the two demons.

"Yeah! Go ahead!" Jin said excited to see what kind of magic you guys have In your world, Yin nodding in agreememt.

"Okay." You took in a deep breath preparing yourself to cast a spell and not crash and burn under the gaze of others.

"I'll add that I'm not the best at every single type, I'm still learning for some."

And with that little warning you closed your eyes and breathed out casting the first spell that came to mind.
You decided to start with a simple illusion spell, something you were getting pretty good at.

You casted a double of yourself who peeked over your shoulder waving a hi to the gold and silver demons.

The two stood there shocked but immediately got excited.

"You can clone yerself!??" Jin said moving towards your illusion self staring up at them as she moved backwards a bit.

"Crikey, that's a cool skill." Yin said about to poke your illusion before it poofed away in a blue smoke.

"That's just a small illusion trick." You said looking to where it had been.
"I'm still not the best and keeping them around for long periods of time." You chuckled scratching your horn as they looked between each other a mischievous(scheming) look on their faces.

"What else can you do?"

So that led to you doing brief demonstrations for the two demons, showing them a small spell from each now obliterated coven system, atleast those you'd learnt from, unfortunately healing, abomination and bard were some you really weren't as knowledgeable on as the others, even if it was a little. Potions being impossible to demonstrate as you had none of the ingredients to make something.

"There's more spells than that but those are just to demonstrate the main idea of it." You said sitting on the floor with Jin and Yin cross-legged as they listened to you talking about the magic system of your world.

"And before you ask if I can teach you guys any of it, unless you have a bial sack I'm not sure if it's possible." You said grabbing something from the fluff of your tail (thanks Eda for the habit) showing them a small anatomy of witches, showing a drawing of what looked like some well, bial sack attached to the heart making the two demons gag in disgust at the visual.

"Then again, you guys are demons so it's probably possible, but I dunno since we're from different worlds." You said shrugging

"Speaking of demons... for demons their magic is unique to the individual demon and I geuss Titans aswell." You said pointing to yourself as an example.

"Like me and my little brother King-"

"Your lil brother's name is King?" Jin asked raising a brow in confusion.


"It's not a title or something like that?" Yin added as Jin agreed with him.

"Yes, that is his name. Now as I was saying." You said staring at the two making them shut up allowing you to continue.

"Him and I are both from the same species but neither of us have the same abilities, atleast as far as I'm aware of." You said scratching your chin.

"What's the difference?" Yin asked lifting his hand away from his chin.

"Well, his more noticeable one is some sort of voice blast his dad had some elemental powers aswell so he might inherit them aswell." You said looking to the side out of boredom.

"He's still young, it took me until I was like fourteen to learn my own abilities so I was a late bloomer." You joked leaning your head on your hand.

"So what's your one?" Jin asked as him and Yin leaned in closer.

"Eh, its kind of I geuss like air related? Air and light." You stated closing your fist and reopening it, a star like ball appearing in your hand shooting out the open window as you shucked it out.

"It's not so strong but oh well." You said sighing as you cracked your neck.

"Might not be cool to you but you literally know so many magic spells." "That's bloody cool as 'ell!" Jin said as Yin added onto the end

You smiled tail swaying side to side in pride as the three of you continued to talk about magic.


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