Cure of Loneliness

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A curse it was. The void in his heart grew more, causing the pain to provoke his entire body as his eyes followed Xavier's corpse as it collapsed to the floor. The thud had caused him to feel no more. He saw no more reason to live, the hunger suddenly disappeared and so did the thirst that once took his muscle and body fat. He knew far too well—or he thought that he knew. That he was never meant to exist for so long. Xavier's existence was a mistake, and so was Elias' existence itself.

He walked towards the kitchen, simply leaving his friend there to bleed out, for whoever was going to find him in a few days. He turned on the sink and began washing his switchblade. Even the handle was covered in blood because of how far he had shoved it through Xavier's body. It was washed down with a swipe, taking Xavier's hopes and dreams, taking his chances down the drain to be trashed.

Elias dried the blade, staring at his reflection on it. What he saw was what he believed to be himself. A horrendous monster which he was eager to erase from the face of this world.

He put the blade in his pocket, walked outside and looked forward, the curse looked as well into the familiar street that was bathed in blood and vampires that tried to guide Elias into the humans whose wounds were wide open, their blood eager to be drunk.

sticking to his belief, walking past the bats that whispered desires into his ear, they must've believed that they would convince Elias to do the wrong. They must've thought that they could convince Elias to make the wrong decision. Truth is, that the bats have made a wrong decision to whisper into the vampires' ears, to drive the generation so far, so worthlessly. Who would've wanted to be born a vampire?

Too focused on the bats that he believed that he was seeing, too focused on the hole in his heart, he hadn't noticed the strangely shaped clouds in the sky, so peculiar that even the citizens had their devices out pointing high up to the sky. As he looked at the citizens, instead of devices, he saw their hands reaching up into the air, and wounds all around them wide open. Their faces showed terror, and soon, the street was showered in red blood.

His entire life, he was eager to find meaning. Meaning in the blood that spilled onto the streets, meaning in the blood that spilled in his teeth. But now he knows too well that there was no longer meaning in any of it, no meaning in being alive or being a vampire. After all, it was a curse. A horrendous curse that should never have been born into this world. Jeon, every deceased vampire, Xavier, Mildred, and himself. They are the curse. They should never have existed; they should never have been brought into this world.

He walked again towards the house in which he made so many memories, the house that made him feel warm and at home.

Opening the door as carefully as he could, he glared at Mildred who was in a deep slumber on a couch with a trash can in front of him filled with vomit.

Elias closed the door behind him, pulled the blade out of his pocket, and crept towards Mildred.

He raised the blade above his head and into the sky, feeling Mildred's life with him flash by, becoming just memories. Useless, worthless memories that mattered still. But they were just memories, they should never have been created.

As the blood spurted out of his head, spilling on the couch, spilling on the floor, and on Elias. Mildred not even getting the chance to look into his best friend's eye before he faded away.

He was the last vampire now. There was nobody else but him now, nobody else breathing as lonely as him. His breathing grew shaky as if he immediately regretted what he had done. And even if he truly did regret it, there was a mere satisfaction in seeing the blood on poor Mildred's head. The blood of a vampire itself, the blood of his best friend.

He has never wanted to disappear from this world so badly. His body saw satisfaction in seeing his dead best friend's flowing blood.

Vampires. Vampires are truly vile.

So, he raised the blade again with tears in his eyes that he could barely even see through. And before he could even feel the knife through his chest, his own life flashed before his eyes, feeling the warmth of the house again, hearing the children as they laughed, hearing himself as he once was happy to be alive. Once again, he tasted the pies and heard Mylo's voice as he sang songs for the three of them. How could a vampire child be so happy? Memories flashed by, and he saw the genuine smiles of his friends, as they were happy with their lives, happy to see each other. How could a vampire be so happy? Seeing how joyful his best friends were as they lived around others its as if they didn't need to be dead. They were vampires, and still found joy in life even though the blood of a loved one might spill because of them.

What was the point in living? What was the point in looking so deep into the past, just to find the point in living? The vampires were happy, they were trying to be happy, away from all the violence. Whether they hated being themselves or not. What truly cured them of the curse? Elias had believed that the cure was simple. Elias had lost hope, but he now sees the true cure for his problems, the only solution he could obtain. But now that he had killed his best friends, there was no way of obtaining that solution, was there?

Another tear fell down his eye, and watching as his hand began to let go of the blade, the hope and guilt grew again in his sinned soul, watching as Mildred's body went completely motionless and the blood stopped flowing. He failed as a person and as a friend. But instead of complete grief, Elias saw brightness in his future life. The cure to the curse that he was longing for.

But as he left his plan behind, somebody else finished it off.

Even though it was nighttime, there was a bright sudden light outside, like a sudden thunder through the window. The ground shook aggressively, making Elias' heart race and his body vibrate along with the earth. At last, he turned his head towards the window, for the last thing for him to see was a purely white blinding light.

He lost his consciousness, his memory, and his entire body, all being wiped out from the face of the earth. He was gone, somehow. Like he should have been long ago. He should have never existed.

The end?

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