erm... where am I?

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I'm flying through these, I've written so many and it hasn't even been a week..

Tommys POV:

I was surrounded by darkness but I felt something at my side, I also heard talking in the same room I was in.

"So we are telling this random kid our identitys? " I heard a voice say and I could guess by the noise the other nodded.

"I mean techno, look at wil, he doesn't even know this kid and he's attached to him. " a older man said "Phil, he could work for villains.. " the other said.

So there are three of them, Phil, techno, and wil? I thought. I so desperately wanted to open my eyes but I was gathering information on where I was still.

I heard a scoff as the wil guy was told to follow one of them. I creek my eyes open a bit to see I'm in a room.

This room had a bunch of posters and scattered papers with a gutair discarded on the floor. The bed was all messy

I sat up and set my feet on the floor, I noticed I wasn't wearing my suit any more. I reach for my mask but when I didn't find it I fuckign flipped.

I stand up no matter how dizzy I was I still stood up. I look towards a window and run over to it opening it and getting ready to jump.

Well just to my luck there was foot steps behind me and as I was about time jump someone grabbed me. "LET ME-GO! " I struggled against their strength "No you must stay here! " the voice that sounded awfully like siren said

I manage to hit him but it didn't hurt him so I wasn't let go of. "PLEASE! I NEED TO- GET BACK TO MY FRIENDS! " I yell as I hear more footsteps running towards the room I was in

"Calm down mate! " the older one that sounded like angel of death said. "I'LL CALM DOWN WHEN THIS GUY LETS ME GO! " I yelled and a man with pink hair ran in front of me closing the window and probably locking it.

I was finally realesed from the hold. I scrambled to get away from the people"W-who are you?! " I cried pushing myself against the wall in a corner on the floor.

The older looking blonde came towards me a bit "I'm philza, but you can call me Phil.. " he said calmly crouching down. The brunette that was holding me came to be next to philza.

I pushed against the wall more "I'm Wilbur" he said in the same tone as philza, finally the pink haired one came over "I'm technoblade" the pinkette said.

I scoff at the name "what kind of a name is that" I mutter under my breath "believe me, I question it too. "he said.

"What's your name..? " philza asked "uhm.. " should I think of a fake name? Use a my vigilant name?! I thought "Tommy.. " I muttered softly.

"What was that? " philza asked "he has old man hearing " Wilbur joked. "T-tommy.. " I said a bit louder.

"How did you find me, where's my vigilant suit!? " I ask "well uhm... I was kinda the reason you passed out.. " philza said.

"That's impossible" I said looking at him "angel of deaths as the... " the realization set in... Did I just get kidnapped by the number 1 hero? I thought

"W-wait... No! Your gonna turn me in! "I cried out pushing myself against the wall even more. " how old are you" Wilbur asked

"I-im 17.." I muttered and they all gasped before technoblade let out a chain of laughs "Y-YOU THOUGHT HE W-WAS 12! " he cried in laughter

"Hold the fuck up, 12? I'M NOT 12!?! " I yelled looking at Wilbur who had a pink face "COME ON TECHNO! WHY'D YOU HAVE TO TELL HIM??? " he whined

Philza just watched all this chaos unfold before looking back at me "you hungry? " he asked.

Hell nah! This bitch is gonna poison us! My instincts screamed so I shook my head, but just to my luck my stomach rumbled "your stomach says other wise" philza chuckled.

He stood up from a crouched position and offered his hand towards me. I hesitated for a second but I accepted his hand. He lead me put of the room I was in and down a flight of stairs.

I was now sat in a kitchen staring at the time. "7:56" the clock read... I stare at the clock deep in thought, a small talk on my shoulder snapped me out of this trance, I was in..?

"Do you wanna watch a movie or something? " Wilbur asked. " I- uhm.. Sure..? " I said more like a question

He grabbed my wrist and took me to the living room and we both sat down. He out on a horror movie to my surprise.

Five minutes later

"Here you go Tommy " philza said handing me and plate and tea cup "thank you philza" I said setting it down.

"Just call me Phil" he said with a smile sitting down on the other end of the couch

15 minutes into the movie

"DON'T GO THERE! " me and wil shouted at the same time. There was a scream from the tv and then a person was killed.

I barried my in Wilbur's chest to hide my eyes from the blood "WHAT THE FUCK!! WHAT A DUMBASS! " he yelled

I peeked at the tv noticing the scary part was over.

At the end of the movie

"You fucking traumatized me Wilbur.. " I said looking at him squeezing a pillow. I hit him with the pillow "hey! " he screeched as he hit me back.

We started a pillow fight swinging the pillows everywhere! "They are brothers your honor" tech O sigh coming from no where.

"WHERE THE FUCK?! " I screeched just like Wilbur did jumping like a cat. Wilbur and Phil started laughing

I rolled my eyes before joining in. Man I only knew these people for a couple hours but it felt like we had always known each other..

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