sure about that?

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Tommys POV:

I stare at the tall brunette in disbelief. “ huh?” I ask “yeah you should be able to work with us as a hero,plus you are already one…just illegal..?” he said with a smile. “What about tubbo and ranboo…?” I didn't realize I had said that aloud “who?” wilbur asked

“Oh they are my roommates!” i smiled “ well you could get more money from being a hero…” wilbur said before sighing “ I mean if you don't want to its fine” he said in a tone that made me feel bad before turning around.

“ fine!” I say as he starts walking away “ okay “ I could for some reason hear a smirk in his voice as he spins around grabbing my arm causing me to flinch. He looked quite surprised before muttering a quick sorry and dragging me towards the stairs but these ones went down.

He started basically flying down the stairs dragging me along “ where are we evening -WOAH!- g-going?!” I almost fell “ to train of course!” he said and we finally arrive . he lets my arm go and i go flying in front of him

I crash into a wall and he laughs “ are you -he laughed- okay?” he asked “i'm fine” i muttered before rambling quietly to myself on how he would like it if i threw him down stairs. He walked over to a compartment and grabbed something…

My super suit! I rushed over to him, grabbing it and running up to the bathroom to change. I unhid my ears and tail before wiping the makeup off my face revealing my mask.

I leave the bathroom and go back to the training room and see wilbur in his siren suit

"Get back here! "

buzz, activate sound proof ears!


“ tommy?”

are you okay?!

“Tommy??? “

“TOMMY!” wilbur screamed shaking me out of my trance

"Wha — what? " I stampered over my words a bit "are you okay mate? " he asked. I thought for a second before nodding.

"You sure? " He asked in a concerned tone. "Yeah." I say "shl we train" I ask

He nods while smiling "so I'd assume by your suit and your lack of support items your better with close combat? " he said scanning me

I nod "okay, show me how you would defeat an enemy with a sword" he says walking over to a chest and taking a sword out tossing it to me.

He dragged a dummy over and stands by. I get in a stance and wait for his signal. Suddenly this all felt familiar.

I swing for the neck flying around the said enemy hitting it every so often. My head starts yelling something about lmanburg? No idea.

Ask I go for my final strike the words for lmanburg are on the tip of my tounge. As I hit my final blow I'm trying to turn over what I have time do with lmanburg other than the fact that I help — helped with crime.

I drowned out Wilbur's clapping trying to grasp why I wanted to shout that, why it felt like I had a connection to lmanburg..

Eventually I get over it as Wilbur starts to point out how I fought like I had fought in a war since I was 9 ?

Soon he passes me a dull wooden sword and states that me and his would spar. As we got into our positions Phil and techno came down the stairs

" oh?  You guys are sparing? Let's see it then" techno said glancing at the dismembermered dummy. "Go! " Wilbur shouts and I feel a rush of adrenaline.

I sprint forward my agility making me faster than the eye can see. I lift my sword and bring it down hearing a thud as it met Wilbur's sword.

I take him out by sweeping his feet and pointing the sword at his throat

"Do it Phil kill me"

What the fuck?! What the hell!? What?

"Look at them Phil! They all want me dead... Kill me Phil" Wilbur said shoving a sword into Phils hands

"Your— your my son! " Phil shouted

What the hells going on?! I shake my head but it doesn't stop

" it was never meant to be.. "

" I don't give a FUCK about spirt! "

" I care about the disks more than you do Tommy.. "

" lmanburg my unfinished symothne! "

' what was never meant to be?! Who's spirt?! What disks?! Why is Wilbur yellin—' "Tommy!?? " the voice broke my train of thought.

In front of me was Wilbur but he looked different.. He had a white streak in his hair and red eyes. His glasses had gold rims but the glass part was red..? He had a cigarette in his mouth and he had a huge gash in his chest. He smelt like he hasn't had a shower in thirteen and a half years! He just really looked.... Undead...

I glace and techno and Phil but they don't look the same either...

Techno instead of having the couple streaks of brown in his pink hair had full full pink bubblegum colored hair... Be was wearing a boar skull like his hero outfit and his normal royal attire but with a strange sword at his side with a tail swinging around.

Phil look pretty much the same other than the scar on his mouth and the fact he had strange looking... Filp flops? No idea

"What the fuck.. " I mutter under my breath rubbing my eyes and I back away.

"Tommy? " I hear ringing from my ears I see glimps of a strange looking tubbo... He had his normal hair and scar but he had goat horns and he hand a snow type outfit on with the snow Chester Flav swen I to it with a child at his side.

What was going on?!

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