Chapter 5: A Man Can Dream, Yes?

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Soft kisses grazed my forehead. They awaken me from a surprisingly deep slumber. The man kissing me leaned back and smiled, "Good morning, darling."

My eyes fluttered open. George looked marvelous in the daylight. He was wearing all of his clothing except the jacket to his suit, which I was using as a blanket to cover my bare body. "Good morning," I replied.

"How did you sleep?"

"Great," I said, reaching up caress his angular jaw.

"Wonderful," he said, dropping a kiss on my nose, "You're an alluring sight to wake up to, Ms. Leavitt."

We made love twice in the press office of Apple Corps. It had been so spellbinding that I found myself questioning my reality. However, the love markings on my skin were proof that it hadn't all been a wonderful, lustrous dream. This was real life. My life.

My naked body still lay on the couch where George had gently placed me the night before. I shifted around, and his suit jacket slid off of me.

"Stunning girl," he whispered, leaning down to kiss each of my nipples. I felt tremors in my swollen cunt.

"Make love to me again."

"I'm afraid I can't, people are due to arrive soon."

"We can make it quick."

"You know that I'd love nothing more Eloise, but you must make yourself decent. Somebody could come into the studio at any moment."

He was being reasonable, but all rationale had left my mind the second I began daydreaming of his sex. His breath on my neck. Hands sliding up my bare back. Lips suckling my breasts. I'd already had a taste, and I wanted so much more.

"When will I have you again?" I asked, rising from the couch.

"You will be back in my arms as soon as time allows." He reached for my hand and pulled me up off the couch. He gave me a slow, sultry kiss.

"Do get dressed, but don't leave. You can piddle around for a bit," He said, brushing his fingers along my cheeks.

"Won't they notice a new girl?"

"Yes, and they will be captivated by your beauty, I am sure. However, they don't need to know we're involved with each other. I will tell them you're a friend of mine or a tea girl."

"I don't think they will believe either."


"Well for one, my lipstick is all over your face."

George began rubbing his cheeks, in an effort to remove the stain. "What do you say we go out for a cuppa, then?"

"A cuppa?"

"Tea, darling."

"Oh. What will every one do if you aren't around?"

"They will manage. We wouldn't be gone long."

I paused to mull it over for a minute, "I don't think we should go anywhere. I have no problem stealing you away after hours, but I don't want to interfere with your work schedule."

"Such a solicitous girl," he said, kissing my forehead, "Please, tell me you will stay, even if only for a few minutes. I feel cruel letting you go so soon after the night we've just had."

I couldn't argue with that. I wanted to spend every waking moment with him. I really couldn't bear the thought of leaving the studio or leaving England, for that matter. The thought of going back to Texas made me sick. I tried to put it out of my mind.

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