Chapter 7: Surprise! Surprise!

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George and I arrived back at the club and ordered another brandy. Everyone was sprawled out dancing in their little cliques. We went back to the table and sat down. Out of the corner of my eye I saw a familiar face coming into the entrance. It was George Martin.

In my slightly inebriated state, I jumped up and ran toward him, crashing into his arms. He let out a nervous laugh and shot a look at Cilla Black, who was beside him giggling at the sight of us.

"Cilla, Bobby, this is Eloise- our newest hire at Apple. She appears to have had a bevy or two," he said in his professional, polished voice, gently pushing me off of him. I felt embarrassed and a little hurt. Cilla offered me her hand.

"Eloise! Darling name," she said, shaking my hand. Her voice was sweet like honey, her accent thick and delightful. It was the first time I'd ever seen her outside of pictures. Her bright red hair was even more vibrant in person, her cherubic smile, and navy blue eyes lively and attractive. She was wearing a shiny plastic dress, her figure taut.

"Thank you," I said, "How was your time at Apple?"

"Oh! Wonderful. I told George I was too hyper to stay put in that place so we came here," She said grabbing his arm. I winced at the way she touched him so casually, so playfully, "This really is the place to be after making a record."

"Would you guys like to sit? We have a table in the back," I said, pointing to our spot.

She nodded and smiled warmly. We all headed there and took our seats. I wondered where George Harrison had gone. I eventually spotted him over by a wall chatting with a tall blonde.

"How long have you known George?" I asked Cilla. She flagged down a waiter, ordered everyone a drink, then looked over at George who was sitting to her right. Her husband Bobby sat to her left.

She said, "I met him in 1963. That's seven years, I believe? Goodness, has it been that long?"

"Yes, I'm afraid it has," George replied, "I'd heard of you through Brian, though I had not met you officially until you came to Abbey Road," George said, smiling.

Cilla laughed at the memory, "I still recall your office, it was littered with record sleeves and sheet music," she said, "And I was so frightened of you!"

"Oh quiet, you silly girl," he said, laughing.

"You were terrifying! You looked so dapper and beautiful, and you sat like an angry father with your ginger biscuits and black coffee."

George chuckled, "Was I that awful?"

"Well, you started to ease up a bit as the night went on, but If it weren't for Brian working his magic I'm certain you'd have passed on me."

"Brian was certainly an excellent salesman, but your talent spoke for itself."

"Eloise, he did not show this level of enthusiasm that night at Abbey Road!" She looked me in the eyes, still chipper and giggly. I faked a smile, though my jealousy was beginning to burn.

Cilla and George spent a great deal of time in their own little bubble. George seemed utterly delighted by her presence. I could see it in his eyes every time she spoke. I felt a pang in my heart as they continued to speak of their first encounter. After that, they exchanged stories about Brian and Liverpool. That's when Bobby joined in on the fun, and I sat alone and uncomfortable, unable to relate to any of their stories and memories. I wanted to cry until Ringo and Maureen came back to the table. Finally, a saving grace!

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