Chapter 8: Tantra

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"Alright, wait here," he said before disappearing back into the crowd.

I stood alone and wiped my tears. My throat felt dry. One moment I would feel numb with shock, then the next I would feel the crushing pain of heartbreak so deeply it rattled my soul.

I looked at the clock on the wall. It was almost two in the morning. I felt George Harrison's hand on my shoulder.

"Come with me," he said in the most loving voice imaginable. He took my hand and led me outside, down the sidewalk, and into his Mercedes. He made sure I was sitting comfortably in the passenger seat before closing the door and getting into the driver's side. I leaned my head against the window, and let the cold glass cool my face. I was still crying off and on, though my sobs had grown weaker. George began to drive.

"Would you like to tell me what happened?" He asked, briefly glancing over at me.

"Not right now."

He nodded and continued driving silently. The streetlights seemed blinding to my swollen eyes.
I felt a headache blooming in my temples.

After what felt like an eternity of being on the road, the car finally stopped right in front of a massive hotel called The May Fair.


George got us a suite with two beds. I knew it would be elegant by the way the hotel looked on the outside, but nothing could have prepared me for the luxury of our room. It had two massive beds, a full living room, two bathrooms, and a kitchen. I briefly wondered how George, or anyone, could afford such a place- then I remembered he was a Beatle.

George tipped the woman who helped us to our room, then closed and locked the door.

"Wash up if you'd like, I'll order room service."

I nodded. I wasn't in the mood to talk, and he seemed to understand. We smiled at each other, and I went into the bathroom.


I looked into my own eyes through the semi-foggy mirror. They were still red and puffy. I splashed some cold water on them, hoping to reduce the swelling. Get ahold of yourself...

I didn't have any pajamas, so I changed into the robe provided by the hotel. It was cream-colored and extremely comfortable, though the softness of it only worsened my exhaustion.

I inhaled deeply through my nose and smelled the faint aroma of Italian food. I realized I had not eaten all day. I unlocked the door and stepped into the other room, and there was a silver cart filled with various plates. Everything looked sensational.

"Are you hungry?" George asked, emerging from the bedroom.

"Yes, I'm starving," I said.

"Good, there's all sorts of stuff here. I told them to give me whatever they had, so long as it was vegetarian. I hope you don't mind that."

"No, not at all."

He smiled, "Help yourself, I'll join you in a bit."

I took a plate off the cart. It was some sort of soup with wild mushrooms and rosemary. I sat down at the table and peered out of the massive window. When he returned, he looked at me and laughed.

"Why haven't you started?"

"I wanted to wait for you."

"I'll choose quickly, then."

George swiped a plate off the cart and sat down across from me. He was sporting the same bathrobe.

"I like your outfit," he said.

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