Chapter 11: If I Needed Someone

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Carol released me and closed the door, which had been open the entire time we were hugging. She led me to the couch, which I was grateful for because I was sure I would have eventually collapsed.

I wasn't ready to talk, and Carol knew it, so she went into the kitchen to make some tea. She came back with two cups and a box of tissues. "Whenever you're ready, start from the top."

I took a long sip of tea, letting the warm liquid coat my dry throat. Carol sat beside me, "Is it George?" She asked.

Which one? "Yes."

"What happened?"

"He's married with two children, that's what happened."

"Woah, what? Hold on—"

"It's comical, isn't it? This has honestly been the weirdest couple of days of my entire life."

"He's married? He has kids?"

I nodded and took a sip, "It's true. I met them."

"Wait, back up. How did you find out? Did he tell you?"

"Yes, but only after I got on him about forcing me to keep our relationship a secret. I thought it was crazy that we were still sneaking around after a month together. I wondered why he was so adamant about keeping things private. Now everything makes sense."

"Jesus, Elle. I'm so sorry. What an asshole."

"I know. It's Don all over again."

"Did you break up with him?"

"Well, no, not exactly. I thought it might be something I could get over because he and his wife are technically separated, but after tonight, I don't think that's possible." I sipped my tea.

"What happened tonight?"

"I went to his flat and met his children. It's a boy and a girl, six and twelve. They're wonderful, and so astute." I said, inwardly cringing at what Alexis said to me. Her words, though true, still burned my heart.

"So wait, he told you he had a family, then he took you to meet his kids? I'm a little confused."

"Well, he confessed last night at the club, then today after work we were... you know... and I demanded to go to his flat because I'm sick of being fucked in the studio, you know? So he agreed, even though it was his week with the kids. He thought the nanny would be able to stay, but something came up and she couldn't."

"Wait- you were going to have sex with him? After he lied to you about having a family? Look, you're usually pretty level-headed but that's the dumbest fucking thing..."

"I know, I know. He was just so sexy, and he was angry with me, too, and when he's angry, he's just so... Look, I couldn't resist, ok? Cheap excuse, I know."

"First off, ew. Second, why was he angry with you? You didn't do anything."

The lump in my throat grew, "Well, it gets a little more complicated."

"How?" She said, alarmed.

"After he told me about his family I uh, I went home with somebody. He found out about it because...well...the man I slept with works at Apple."

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