Nothing matters

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None of my grades matter
My dad hates me
And love dies
Men kill babies
Women cry
Palestine is innocent
Israel is fake
God made me to die
My nails outgrown
My hair short
A's growing lower
My breasts heavy
And my butt flat
Nobody cares if you're skinny
Just don't be fat
Calories on a box
Telling me not to eat
I look at my dad
He looks at me like a piece of meat
Blood soaked gown
Something they can't take away from me
Dress codes being brought onto me
I do not care
Unless I am pretty
Nothing matters
Not your grades
Or your life
Slitting your wrists is cool kids
But do it prettily
Good girls make it in the world
But go against these rules
And you'll get tortured
Men will bite and kick you
I'll do what society tells me too
Because nothing matters
And I know better
My PHD isn't important
AP classes are a bore
Skipping school is fun
And so is dying in a bath
Putting my head in a oven
To see Sylvia Plath
God is fake
So is school
Who cares about the education system?
Boys will be boys
Girls will never be girls
Die silently
Take drugs
Do porn
Lord knows I tried
Because nothing matters
Unless you're pretty or dying

Chapters of a teenage girlWhere stories live. Discover now