Interlude: Remnants of War

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They said memory cannot be tampered with

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They said memory cannot be tampered with. That whatever happened, happened. And everyone knew it.

But if those history books were filled with false propaganda, and those governments warped their citizens' minds for them to think that, truly, they had actually won that battle, there must be nothing preventing them from tampering with the memories of their own creations.

Their blood, sweat, and tears. The glories of their lives. Technological advancements ⎯ concepts, represented through a previously chosen human's blood and bone. Each elected to represent an actual country. All of the evils that those lab coats and blue masks had seen.

No matter how much the world pretends otherwise, they are just creations. And every creation is under command of a creator. That's what everyone thought.

No one ever thought that it would be proved otherwise.

"For The Greater Good": New Project, Country Representatives, Is Marked Completed in UN Headquarters
January 1, Article N01

Shocking news have just left the UN building and spread across the world: Country Representatives have been created, with extensive, exigent efforts from scientists across the globe!

"The wars have been too much," presidents and leaders say. "So we came up with a solution, one that will benefit us all and show how much our world has advanced in technology across the recent centuries" (The Fight For Freedom).

Country Representatives, one for every currently existing country and a few for past countries such as the Soviet Union, are made to help better global relations. Through complex methods of neuron and concept connection, ideologies, tendencies, and strategies of each individual country has been plugged into a human and thus, making them the respective representative.

Their relationships are directly connected with one another, so that they may directly reflect world relations.

"This is so advanced, the world is truly in a state of intellectual expansion," says popular celebrity. Some others, however, are skeptic about how this will benefit our world. "It's just a few extra people. I don't trust none of this science crap," says @user404 online.

We'll see how this will contribute to peace and freedom for all. We can only hope this is one of the many positive strides forward for humanity.

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