001. vex & ace

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chapter i

what's in it for a name,
when all you can live is a game.

what's in it for a name, when all you can live is a game

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shield hellicarrier
may sixth, 2012

"I cannot believe you fainted."

As they walked behind Fury's brooding figure, the dark-haired boy mumbled quietly into his friend's ear. Soot still covered them from the tip of their hair to the soles of their shoes, if they were much dirtier and untidier in the forms of clean clothes, they'd look like the early teenagers working in a mine-field during the colonial time. Loki had snarked something regarding the terms 'homeless quims' the moment they had given him the fright of nine lifetimes in his cell, moments before he tried to choke one of them. But none of them could understand why he didn't go through with the opportunity. He had held onto the teen's neck for about a few seconds before he let it go, as if a switch had flipped in his head, a soft smirk had formed on his lip, which was a tell-tale that he knew something;

From the width and whatnot of the whole carrier, it had taken them quite a long walk from the interrogation room, which only meant that they were exposed to many more eyes, each of them spewing different theories of who these two could be and what they could. But the tension only broke down when the younger girl fainted almost instantly upon seeing a mere glimpse of Natasha Romanoff and the only thing which seemed to have woken her up was Nick Fury suggesting 'to wake her up with a goddamn taser if she kept this shit up.' Her friend regretted not having a camera on him at that moment.

Nonetheless, Fury had gotten her an ice-pack which he spawned from God-knows-where, and they had finally neared the doorway to where all the teams were discussing. The two of them could hear the faint voice of Tony Stark as he complimented Banner's tendencies to change into an enormous green-rage monster.

"Doctor Banner is only here to track the Cube." Fury soon entered the room, but for the two teens, it seemed as though they had gotten a ticket to heaven themselves.

They disregarded Fury's next words or so as all seemed frozen for them then, because never once had they imagined that this could work, that all these crazy delusions and stupid day-dreams they had amidst boring history classes and the nightly daze where they'd think of all the scenarios that they could experience was finally in front of them.

It seemed as though they were on high dosages of unreal narcotics, the crispiness of the room's colors and the edges of the walls weren't hypothetical nor were they passing frames on a projector, simple reels of Imax and movies, this was real, they were real people and the girl could see the small flickers of blue in the greens of Steve Roger's eyes. Whereas the boy could see how real and red Natasha Romanoff's hair was, how big and strong Thor was, and just how normal yet excruciatingly dashing Bruce Banner was.

Maybe there was no such thing as delusion, maybe the escapism of reality was just a made-up term adults use to not let kids fly, to not let them meet heroes, to not let them be legends.

𝐡𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐲, 𝐰𝐞 𝐛𝐫𝐨𝐤𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐜𝐮! Where stories live. Discover now