002. mister sinister rudolph

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chapter ii

there's good in evil,
there's evil in good,
then there's this asshole

there's good in evil, there's evil in good,then there's this asshole

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shield hellicarrier
may seventh, 2012

"What do I feel about Vex and Ace?" Bruce leaned a bit forward from his seat, with a pair of folded arms, in an attempt to listen to the question properly. He was adorning his rolled-up purple formal shirt, his glasses nowhere to be seen.

"W-well. . ." Bruce scratched the back of his head in an attempt to give a proper answer, ". . .they're n-nice. . . good kids . . . quite eccentric a-at times but I still don't understand their story. They're hiding something, which is for sure and if I remember correctly, those poor kids must've escaped from a bad place and come here in hopes of refuge. I hope they get home safe once we land."

"I want her executed," Tony spoke to the camera, as he was the next person who was asked this question. His tone and feelings were much more aggressive and not 'calm' regarding the whole situation. "I want her out of my sight, the moment we handle Mister Sinister Rudolph. And-"

He stopped almost immediately as if he had come up with a mastermind. "I could always shove her in a suit and get JARVIS to send her far. . . far away."

There was this satisfied grin on his face as he said that, and for about the next few seconds or so, he was just thinking about the joys he'd feel when he finally did it. But he regained his composure nonetheless when he realized that he was on tape and how manic and wrong it was for a grown man to wish for a teenager. He adjusted his shirt a bit, as he cleared his throat and he sat back comfortably in the chair. He clapped his hands softly before moving them away in an animated gesture as he raised an eyebrow,

"They're quite a duo. I favor the boy more than her if I wasn't blatantly obvious. He knows his stuff and he doesn't make me want to strangle myself."

Thor on the other hand kept looking around the room, like a kid brought to the zoo for the first time. *a long beep from the camera as the scene turns static before it refocuses on Thor who finally decides to sit*

"It's quite discourteous of you to be doing. . ." he looked around as he trailed off, ". . .this-when your entire planet might be in danger. What is this anyway? And what kind of weaponry is that?"

When he said the last part, he pointed towards the boom mike being held. He looked at the crew expectantly before one of them answered, "It's a boom mike."

"I think you've mistaken me for someone else." Thor replied, "I'm Thor, son of Odin. I'm afraid that I'm unaware of this Mike, you're referring me to. Is he someone of importance on Earth? I believe he might know this. . . Pointbreak. . . human, whom Stark views dearly enough to compare him with."

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