003. a bunch of misfits . . .?

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chapter iii.

when making deals with a psycho
demi-god, try not to make
deals with a psycho Demi-god

when making deals with a psycho demi-god, try not to make deals with a psycho Demi-god

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shield hellicarrier
may seventh , 2012

Darkness swirled around the captured spaces, and silence brewed from the mystics of Asgardian witchcraft as consciousness seemed to exit the sixteen-year-old head a while back. They were halfway to their destination, and their mini-jet stuttered a bit at times from the turbulence.

When Vex finally woke up, her eyelids had forced itself to even open as it fought through the hold of the magic. It was frustrating and claustrophobic, to be honest—the whole fight of her subconscious mind with her unconscious one. She could feel teams of faux hands pulling her eyelids open from the inside whereas the ones opposing it, the magic only threatened fogs of green. When her subconscious won, the air gasped from her mouth in a pop as her eyes flashed open.

Wheezing heavily, she looked around with her widened eyes as heightened colors filled her gaze. Her entire body was feeling a bit off-center, and the fact that her triceps and legs were growing more strained and numb from the aftermath of the blast, didn't help her case.

The Prince of Asgard had a charming smirk on his face when he noticed the sudden wake from the other side of the mini carrier jet, the one in the literal opposite of the side he was sitting on. Red dripped the gold of his sceptre as the god held it like it were a precious vice, for which he would kill far more mortals.

Vex had continued looking around in an attempt to figure out what she was, where she was, and all those thoughts only seemed to shut close when her gaze fell on her captor and everything came flooding in.

They were in the jet which was commandeered by some of Loki's puppets. A pilot in the front, and two SHIELD guards who were situated on either side of the captor and captured.

Back at the hellicarrier, a somber aura had filled the ship's entirety. Some were mourning the death of a co-worker and others were mourning the loss of a friend, a good man. And the number of casualties throughout the ship only seemed to skyrocket as the vindictive god escaped.

Tethers of horrid red seemed to have drenched Ace's shirt throughout. He could still remember the shock, the visual when he had entered the cell withholding level. He had sprinted a great deal and for a long time, when Vex had fallen from his grip. His breaths seemed to burn in his throat as his heart thundered with the sudden exhaustion. When he did finally reach his destination, all he could see was the nasty stains of metallic plasma being dragged through the floor as if someone had mopped it throughout in bloody taints shabbily. All colors escaped the boy's being as his eyes widened at the sight, and he could only feel his nausea and light-headedness increase when he found Agent Phil Coulson slowly dying on the floor, as the blood escaped from the gaping hole-like streams of the river. Ace felt the sound around him, the auditory vibrations being received in his eardrums, hollow into this distant echo as all he could hear now was his shuddery breaths and his heartbeat. His footstep felt like sets of distorted thumps as he painedly rushed towards Phil.

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