005. the ancient one

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chapter v

'when you dare play a
sorcerer's gambit. .'

battle of new york may seventh, 2012

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battle of new york
may seventh, 2012

Up in the air, Tony Stark was not having a good day at all. In two days, he had been in the middle of an explosion, the rotors of a flying carrier almost crushed him, he was thrown out a window and now he was battling aliens sent from an emo god who had no compulsion to rule the planet whole.

But mostly he had just entered a creature's mouth to only demolish it from the inside and exit it from its . . . back. He was currently flying somewhere around Bleeker's street, as he kicked ass and took name.

"Sir. . ." JARVIS's voice seemed to bring him out of his thoughts which were mostly filled with the gaping hole in the literal sky. ". . . there has been a breach in the tower's lockdown protocol."

"Breach?" Tony asked with tensed eyebrows, "What do you mean, breach? Did the beasts get in?"

JARVIS popped video footage in the mask, where Tony watched Ace help Vex on one of the otherworldly transports, "Not precisely."

"DO YOU PLAN ON KILLING US?!" Vex screeched as she held onto her friend's torso for dear life.

"Just hold on!" he tried to calm his friend as he swerved the transport here and there, trying to get the grip and not crash it somewhere.

The whole thing was poorly designed, which explained why he had watched most of the creatures crash in the movies while riding these. Nonetheless, it was powered by these unique and advanced alien techs. If anyone got a hand on them, they'd be surely making millions with this—mostly in the black market or some underground weapon exchanges.

Vex yelped when the ground on her left burnt a hole as some sort of blueish-purple energy blasted upon it. Clinging onto the eighteen-year-old she snapped her head back at what had caused it. In a panic, her voice raised, "We're being tailed!"

"Shit" Ace merely glanced back before speeding up the transport. His voice raised a bit against the air's speed, "Grab the Chitauri gun by my leg!"

"Uh . . ." the girl looked down, finding two weapons on either side of his leg, ". . . which side? Be more specific!"

"The one on the right!"

"So, my left?" Vex asked hurriedly as the attacks grew.

The older teen dodged a blast as he veered towards the next right, nearing Bleeker's street. His voice grew more impatient, "What?!"

"Your right . . . so my left ?" her hands shook from the anxiety.

"We have the same sides, you dumbass." Ace's patience ran thin as he tried to keep them both alive, "Just pick something up!"

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