Chapter 1: Enter - Serenity Namikaze & Naruto Uzumaki

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12 years ago, the Nine-tailed fox came alive and nearly destroyed the Hidden Leaf village. Thanks to the effort and sacrifice of the Fourth Hokage, who sealed half the Nine-tails inside a newborn baby and the other half, inside another newborn baby. Lots of Ninja and a few civilians died that night but two heroes risked their lives facing the Nine-tailed fox.

Serenity's POV:

12 years later a troublesome kid known as 'Naruto Uzumaki' was defacing the four Hokage stone faces with paint, he's one of my classmates. I was walking to class at the Academy when I saw Naruto defacing the stone faces of the Hokage. 'Naruto why are you always getting up to pranks?!', I thought to myself until I saw many adults, mainly shinobi getting angry at Naruto. I soon realize that I was going to be late, so I ran as fast as possible to the Academy.

On my way through I saw Iruka-sensei and a few other teachers heading the way I was coming from.

I stop and turn as I watch them continue heading to where Naruto was, 'Naruto, you better run before they arrive to give you a lecture!' I thought to myself again as I was worried. I know the pain Naruto has inside himself because I have that same pain. Not having a family is hard on a child. I have Hinata-chan as my best friend, but Naruto always gets put down and isn't friends anyone.

Later at the Academy, I was sitting at the back next to Hinata-chan, watching Naruto get another lecture from Iruka-sensei.

"Naruto, of all the pranks you have to pull, you have to deface the Hokage stone faces with paint", Iruka-sensei speaks to Naruto in a serious voice.

"Yeah, yeah whatever Iruka-sensei!", Naruto speaks in a carefree and bratty voice to Iruka-sensei which I have a feeling Naruto is about to get yelled at again.


"Iruka-sensei, didn't you always teach us and tell as to fix our mistakes and clean up after ourselves?! Well maybe you should make Naruto clean the Hokage's stone faces, since he's the one who defaced them in the first place.", I say calmly as I stood up from where I was sitting and interrupted before things got worse.

Iruka-sensei lets out a small sigh before speaking with a calmer voice, "Your right, Naruto after class you're coming with me to clean the stone faces".

Before I sit back down, I look at Naruto and smile, but he just gives me a grumpy look. 'God that the last time I help him', I thought to myself as I was really annoyed. "Now class since someone decided to pull a prank, you all are going to show your transformation Jutsu's!", Iruka-sensei said's a little calmly as I hear the whole class sigh in annoyance and blame Naruto.

As we all line up, I am behind Sakura and when she finishes, she goes into full on love mode for Sasuke, I roll my eyes in annoyance. I do my transformation Jutsu perfectly and then Hinata-chan does hers perfectly too. Soon its Naruto's turn and he does...well sort of is hard to explain but I can tell you Iruka-sensei is not happy and very shocked.

"NARUTO!! Are you kidding me right now?!", I hear Iruka-sensei yell at Naruto again and I wasn't going to get him out of this one.

Later, after school I was walking home when I looked up at the Hokage stone faces. They still have paint on them but something inside me made me feel like I should have helped Naruto earlier. Naruto has always gotten into trouble...but the truth is I have too...

"Hey! Go away and leave us be!", 8-year-old me yells at some bullies that are in front of me and Hinata-chan.

"Oh, and what are you going to do if we don't?!", the middle bully said's to me as he laughs in a mocking way.

I started to get angry, and I clenched my fists together and I could feel this darkness take over my body. I started to punch each of the bullies...

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