Movie 1: The Legend of the Red-haired Princess

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"Princess...Princess...", a warrior was running around a village looking for the Princess who had run away.


Serenity's POV: Days Earlier

As I walk away, I had remembered that, that lady had long red hair like me and my mother. I wondered if the lady maybe knew her, but I shook it off and hurried up to the Grand opening of "Miss Dumpling's Dumplings" shop. I was meeting Hinata-chan there.

When I got there through, there was a big crowd, and it was hard to spot Hinata-chan. That's when I saw Sakura, Sasuke and Naruto. Naruto was waving at me, and I waved back. I didn't go over; I was too busy trying to find Hinata-chan but couldn't see her.

After a few minutes, I walk over to Naruto, Sakura and Sasuke. "Hey guys, I was looking for someone, but I don't think there here!" I say calmly and a little annoyed, but something probably came up.

"Well since you're here, want to get some dumplings with us?" Sakura askes me kindly. She even seems to be being nice to Naruto. Before I could reply through Kakashi-sensei came out of nowhere behind Naruto.

"Arrgh!" Me, Naruto and Sakura scream out, surprised to see Kakashi-sensei on our day off.

"Sorry, did I scare you?! Oh well, time for a mission!", Kakashi-sensei says seriously like he never even said "Sorry".

Naruto soon says, "Hang on its our day off, why do we have to go on a mission on our day off?". I smack my right hand on my face, hard and clearly annoyed at what Naruto said.

After a little while of an argument, we all went over to Lord Third's office. When we entered, we saw another man, they wore a strange outfit.

The man looked at us annoyed, "Kids, really?" The man said seriously as I knew Naruto was about to do something.

"Kids? Yeah well, I can beat you in any match?!", Naruto yells at the man seriously and angry as I smack my right hand on my face, leaving a red mark.

I was annoyed and I grabbed Naruto's shoulder with my left hand. When Naruto turns his head to me, I look at him with a scary face. "Naruto! Don't you dare!" I say to Naruto angrily, like I was his mother and scolding him.

Naruto soon curled up in the corner, scared. I cross my arms, when I notice the man was looking at me. I look

at him as he say's "You have red hair...". I look at him, confused and wondering what he meant.

After a few moments, the man soon looks at me again before getting down on one knee. Before he says anything, I kick him in the face. I walk out of the Hokage's office, annoyed and pissed.

Later that night, I was sitting on bed, not in my pajamas yet. I was thinking about that man and how he had no right, I didn't even through who he was. Maybe I should find him tomorrow and apologize. Although he had it coming.

Just then I heard a knock on my front door. I get up and walk to the door, I open it and saw that man from earlier. 'Lord Third, Kakashi-sensei if one of you had something to do with this!', I thought to myself as was really pissed off right now.

The man so says something, "I am sorry about earlier, you just look like the one who was prophesized to marry me!". 

I start to go red in the face after what he said. "W-What?!" I say completely shocked.

"Oh, you see there is a legend in my village. The legend of the Red-haired Princess, you look just like the one prophesized to marry me, the prophesized warrior who protects the lovely Princess!", the men says again as I am completely shocked and surprised.

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