Chapter 4: Team 7's First Dangerous Mission! Part 2

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A/N: Just so you know, there will be two POV's in this Chapter and be probably a bit long.

Naruto's POV:

" Serenity..."

I woke up after hearing a female voice telling me to help Serenity. Serenity was nowhere to be found and I was getting a little worried. I mean she is kind of like a sister. Like, I am the Nine-tails Jinchuriki, and she's got the yin chakra of the Nine-tails inside of her.

I got up and went outside, seeing Sasuke with food and disappearing into the forest. I fellow behind him, carefully but I ended up stepping on something which made a noise. 'Shoot, I'm dead', I say to myself a little scared and nervous. Sasuke looked around but he was somehow different. He's appearance soon changed. Someone with spikey black, blue eyes, black sleeveless top dark black-blue pants and black swirling like shoes. I was confused until someone tapped my shoulder and looked behind me and also lost my balance as I freaked when I saw Sasuke.

"Your such an idiot!", Sasuke mutters but I heard him because I started getting defensive.

"Hey that's enough, we need to fellow that guy!", Sasuke quietly says to me before I had a chance to get him back.

Me and Sasuke followed the imposter Sasuke to a cave. The imposter Sasuke went in and after a few minutes he came back out and went somewhere. I wanted to go after him, but Sasuke made me go in the cave.

We went into the cave, and I heard noises. That's when scary black birdie animals came out of nowhere. I tried shooing them away. After a few minutes they disappeared further into the cave.

 I just sigh in relief as Sasuke looks at me with an annoyed look.

"Your such an idiot", Sasuke says to me annoyed as he continues walking into the dark cave. I followed behind, as I wanted to know what that strange boy was hiding.

After a while we came to a chamber in the cave, and I was shocked to see Serenity sitting near a fire.

"Serenity? What are you doing here?", I asked shocked and confused to Serenity.

Serenity's POV: About 9-10 Hours Earlier

"H-Hikaru?!", I say surprised and shocked to see him.

"What are you doing here?", I asked still surprised and shocked to see Hikaru here, in front of me. I look at him still shocked, I waited for him to answer. "I saved you; I have been following you for a while in fact!", Hikaru says to me with a calm but serious voice.

"Why have you been following me?!" I asked confused and didn't know how else to act with what he said.

Hikaru didn't speak, he walked over to me and sat down in front of me. He put his hand on my head and smiled. I couldn't up but blush a little. "Serenity, you are one of the Children of Prophecy. You are the daughter of the Fourth Hokage and the second Jinchuriki of the Nine-tails fox. Your destiny is to help bring balance and peace!", Hikaru speaks seriously, and I was shocked when he told me that my father was the Fourth Hokage and my mother was the Jinchuriki of the Nine-tails fox before Naruto. I didn't know what to say.

Hikaru stands up, as I am looking down. "Serenity, get some rest. I'll be back with food!", Hikaru says seriously as he leaves the chamber and heads out of the cave. Leaving me just sitting near a fire and on the ground with a blanket. I decided to get some sleep through, so I laid down on the hard ground and closed my eyes, trying to sleep.

"Serenity, you said that you don't let your friends get hurt and because of that, I guess having a friend like that is pretty awesome!", Naruto said's these words as he smiles at me.

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