Chapter 3: Team 7's First Dangerous Mission! Part 1

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Serenity's POV:

"I've it!", Naruto yells.

Probably not realizing he has the communicator on as he chase's the poor kitty.

I throw a kunai that passes Naruto and hits a tree, I soon teleport to it and waited and let the kitten come straight into my arms. I got the kitten and Naruto was surprised I was in front of him.

"Huh, where did you come from?" Naruto askes as Kakashi-sensei, Sasuke and Sakura show up.

After a while, we returned back to the Hokage's office, and I handed the kitty back to its owner. While Naruto complained to Lord Third about the missions.

"Hey why can't we go on better missions?! I mean we need harder missions! Cooler missions!", Naruto yells seriously. I sighed a little in annoyance, but the truth is I kind of have to agree, I mean it is getting boring with the D-rank missions.

Lord Third sighs for minute before speaking, "Fine you can go on a C-rank mission and see for yourselves!". Iruka-sensei who's over near Lord Third and Kakashi-sensei along with Sakura are surprised. I am too but hid it very well. Lord Third then asked someone to send the client in.

After a moment person who Lord Third send to get the client returned with a man. The man then said when he looks at me and the others "huh, what's children doing here?".

'Huh, you've done it now!' I thought to myself as I knew Naruto would get pissed off. I looked to Naruto who looked angry, and he was about to blow up at the man.

"HOW DARE YOU!", Naruto yells as Kakashi-sensei grabs him before he does something. I just slap my hand on my face in annoyance.

Later on, me, Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura were with Kakashi-sensei waiting for the client, Tazuna is his name. I was kind of glad that we are on a C-rank mission but something inside me is giving me the goosebumps and I never get them.

When Mr Tazuna arrived, he started to complain. 'Ugh, I bet you Lord Third dumped this guy on us to teach as a lesson!', I thought to myself really annoyed but hid it.

After Mr Tazuna stopped complaining we finally managed to begin the journey to the land of waves. As we began walking, I felt a strange aura. Just when I felt it, I heard that voice again.

"Serenity look out!"

I soon stopped and looked around, but the strange aura disappeared, and the others were looking at me strangely. "Are you ok Serenity?", asked Sakura a little concerned.

I knew it was an act through. I just shook it off. "I am fine", I say a little calmly as we started walking again.

After a while we were almost to the dock when...

"Serenity...LOOK OUT!"

I heard the voice scream out in my head as I stopped and saw kunai flying towards Kakashi-sensei. I ran in front to block the kunai with my own kunai.

"Everyone be careful!" I say to everyone, feeling like the people who threw those kunai were still around.

Just at that moment one went after Naruto. My reflex's kicked in and I teleported to save Naruto, getting a scratch from the enemy's kunai.

"Ugh", I say with gritted teeth.

The enemy soon went after Sakura who was protecting Mr Tazuna, but Kakashi-sensei stepped in to stop the enemy.

Which causes the enemy to run away. I hold the part of my left arm that was cut by the enemy's kunai. "What is going on? I thought this would only have bandit's not rogue ninja?", Sakura says a little confused. I was confused too; it was a mission evolving bandits not rogue ninja.

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