Chapter 5: Chunin Exams?!

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Serenity's POV:

It had been months since we last had a mission. Kakashi-sensei said there is a shortage of missions. but I don't believe that. The reason is because nearly all the Genin teams aren't even on missions. And I know this is because Hinata's team has barely had missions too. I was starting to get impatient; Naruto was already impatient before me since he can't exactly go a week without a mission.

Anyhow, I was waiting with Naruto, Sakura and Sasuke at the bridge for Kakashi-sensei. Since he's apparently got something to tell us. But of course, he's late. Sakura was fussing over Sasuke like normal and Naruto was well trying to get Sakura's attention. I smack my hand on my face, I hated the team, but I put up with the craziest.

After a while of waiting, Kakashi-sensei finally arrives. Naruto soon askes Kakashi-sensei seriously or a dumb serious voice, "Where have you been?! We have be waiting about an hour?!". I smack my head on my face again. I am so going to injure my head thanks to Naruto and Sakura.

"Sorry if I kept you waiting but Lord Third called a meeting involving the Chunin Exams! Here!", Kakashi-sensei says has he holds out four paper cards.

"Huh, the what now?", Naruto askes confused.

I just sweat drop as I was so very annoyed. 'Seriously, he doesn't know! And yet he wants to become Hokage!', I thought to myself annoyed as I say to Naruto calmly, "Naruto, the Chunin Exams are where shinobi all over the lands and village who are Genin can complete in! And you can even earn the title of Chunin if you pass!". Naruto looks at me as he says excitedly, "Woohoo!".

The next day I was meeting up with Hinata at the training grounds but when I arrived, she wasn't here yet. I decided to wait. After a while she finally arrived but something was off, the reason is because Hinata was acting different. I didn't walk over to her because I knew that can't be the Hinata I know.

For a few moments I stood still until I threw kunai in Hinata's direction. And to my surprise it wasn't Hinata. "Where's the real Hinata?!", I say seriously as I look at the stranger with the mask covering their face.

"I'll tell you if you drop out of the Chunin exams!", the masked stranger said to me in a mocking or sarcastic voice making me clench my fist and eyes. I opened my eyes again and looked at the masked stranger with an angry look.

I ran at them furiously as I also punch them right in the face, making the mask fall off.

"How dare you?! I won't let you make me drop out of the Chunin exams! I am going to become a strong shinobi! And I won't ever back down! Now, where is Hinata?!", I say with a voice of complete rage and anger. The rage and anger came from deep inside me, I knew it only could be the Yin chakra, but I didn't let it control me.

The person looked at me. I had an unpleasant look of hatred, the reason was Hinata. She's my best friend and I never want to see someone die, ever. "Answer me!", I say with a cold and angry voice as I look at them, gritting my teeth.

"S-She's s-safe...", the person said shattering in fear as I still look furiously with a cold stare.

"...b-back w-where I-I s-saw h-her...a-at...a...h-house...", the person says again still shattering in fear as I leave and hurry to Hinata's place.

As I was, I saw someone that looked like Hinata. Tears filled my eyes as I saw Hinata. I ran and gave her a big hug. I was happy, no glad that she was safe. "Hey Serenity...what's wrong?", Hinata askes me in a confused and worried voice as I look at her. "I'm just glad your safe!", I say trying to calm myself down as tears of joy came down my face.

After a few days, I met Naruto, Sakura and Sasuke at the Academy where the Chunin Exams are said to be held. Naruto had told me about someone wanting to try make him drop out of the Chunin Exams. Same with Sasuke and Sakura. It made me suspicious of every other Genin that had turned up for the Chunin Exams. Especially one person, who I recognized thanks to being friends Hinata. 'No way! That's Neji Hyuga!', I thought to myself.

As I was too damn stuck in my thoughts, someone had approached Sakura. Sakura looked annoyed and I soon smiled when I realized why. "You are so beautiful; will you spend the rest of your life with me?!", the boy with bushy eyebrows had said in a lovey Dovey voice and expression. I just giggled to myself on the inside. I mean Sakura gets a taste of her own medicine.

"Hey! Who do you think you are?!", Naruto says in annoyed and curious voice and face. I was curious too, that is until Neji and a dark brown bun hair girl walked over near the bushy eyebrow boy. 'Huh, they must be a team!' I thought to myself, glaring at all three of them.

Time Skip – Serenity's POV:

Everyone who was taking the Exams were entering the classroom where everyone took a sit. But we had to sit away from our teams. And the only spot left to...

'Oh, come on! I must sit next him!', I thought to myself as I sat to Neji Hyuga.

"Why you all are here to take the exams I see?", a man at the front of the room spoke in a calm manner.

"Alright, well the papers in front of you are what you must answer without cheating! If caught're out!", the man said calmly again as we all began.

The funny thing through, there were 9 questions and easy too. Something was fishing, too fishing for my liking. I started answering a few questions on the paper, noticing people around cheating. I was always on guard. People got caught, most anyways. I knew I couldn't let someone get answers of me, so I decided to fake my answers. I put hints or clues under each question. I wasn't going to let someone still my answers, you know.

After a little awhile the man again spoke, calmly yet again if I don't say. "Ok, put your pencils down and allow myself to tell you the 10th and last question!", he was so calm it made me suspicious. He was calm like any shinobi should be, but I could feel this feeling inside my stomach telling me to be careful.

"Ok, before I continue to the 10th question through, I want you all to know if you choose to partake in the last question and'll be prohibited from taking the Chunin Exams again!", the man says calmly and seriously as a lot of others gasp. I do too but I couldn't help but still have this strange feeling in the pit of my stomach. I wanted to speak up but...I couldn't.

Not even as people got up and left, along with people on their team who had no choice. That is until I heard a loud bang, the sound of a hand slamming a table. I look over and saw it was Naruto.

"There is no way you can make me quit! Because I am going to be Hokage, and I never go back on my word! So, bring on the 10th question, I'll take anything you throw at me!", Naruto says in his usual serious and converted voice. I look at him with a smile, not even realizing the little warmth I had on my cheeks.

Naruto wasn't going to quit, either was I. I turn back to the man as he soon smiled and said calmly, "Why I guess that concludes the first round! Well done everyone, you pass the first round!". I look confused like a lot as I say, "Hang on, what about the last question?!", I say seriously looking toward the man.

He sighs before replying, "That was the last question, you see the 9 on the paper you all got didn't truly matter. It was the last one that did! Which was 'Would you put aside your own ideas and dreams for your teammates?', that was the question we just made you believe the question wasn't asked yet!".

When he explained it, I don't know why but it was a lot like what Kakashi-sensei taught me, Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura that day. The day we were all tasked with trying to get two bells as a team. I smiled inside and everyone cheered but as they did, someone smashed through the wall from outside.

"Ok, everyone let's go! I am Anko and will be your proctor for the second round! Now meet me outside the 'Forest of death' as fast as you can!", the one who smashed through the wall said to every one of us as we all rushed out to the entrance of the 'Forest of Death'.

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⏰ Last updated: May 18 ⏰

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