Chapter 2: Team 7

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Serenity's POV:

It had been a few days since Iruka-sensei made me and Naruto Genin. I was walking over to the Academy since we were all told to come back. I had no clue because, but as I was walking, I saw Naruto with a little boy. I walked up to them and tapped Naruto on the shoulder. "Hey Naruto, what are you doing", I said in a serious and scary voice. Naruto turns around, scared. 'Really he's scared?', I thought to myself as I raised an eyebrow.

"Oh Serenity..."

"Huh, is she your girlfriend Naruto?", the little boy said in a curious voice as he also points to me.

For a reason I go red in the face and clench my fist and punch the kid in the face. "NO WAY WOULD I DATE NARUTO!!!", I scream at the top of my lungs. I felt really embarrassed. It was like my face was melting, I couldn't take it. I had to get out of here. I started to walk away, angering.

I soon arrive at the Academy and enter the classroom. I look around and spot Hinata-chan. I walk over to her. "Hey Hinata-chan", I say to her with a smile. "Oh, hey Serenity, wait you're a Genin?", Hinata-chan askes me as I nod my head. Hinata-chan smiles at me as I sit next to her and tell her what had happened.

After a little while, well after the unfortunate incident with Naruto and Sasuke, Iruka-sensei finally enters. He explains that we will all be placed into teams of 3 but one will be a team of 4. Iruka-sensei begins to announce the teams, I was really hoping to be on Hinata's team, but I guess as long as I am not with...

"...Team 7 – Naruto Uzumaki, Serenity Namikaze, Sakura Haruno and Sasuke Uchiha..."

'NOOO!!!' I scream in my head when I heard Sakura's name after mine.

Naruto on the other hand askes Iruka-sensei, "Iruka-sensei, why do I have to be on the same team as him?!" Naruto also points to Sasuke. 'Oh Naruto, I understand you completely', I thought to myself as I look really annoyed but at the fact Sakura is on the same team as me.

"Naruto, the teams are decided by pairing the worst and best in the class when you were at the academy.", Iruka-sensei said's this in a serious voice before continuing the list. " Now...Team 8 – Shino Aburame, Kiba Inuzuka and Hinata Hyuga. Team 10 – Ino Yamanaka, Shikamaru Nara and Choji Akimichi...", as Iruka-sensei finishes I look at Hinata-chan. I really wanted to be on the same team, 'Ugh...why am I stuck with's always Sasuke this and Sasuke that...UGH!' I thought to myself really annoyed. I hate Sakura and her stupid love over Sasuke!

After lunch, everyone besides me, Naruto, Sasuke and...ugh Sakura have found out who their Jounin leader is. Naruto decided to play a prank by putting the eraser on the door so when they entered it would fall on their head. Me I was just sitting, unhappy that I got stuck on a loser squard with a stupid loser sensei.

"Serenity...he's coming..."

I heard the beautiful female voice again as I stood up, wondering what the voice meant until...someone entered and triggered the prank from Naruto and to my surprise they were him. 'uhh, was the voice telling me about them? Or someone else?', I thought to myself a little weirded out as Sakura began to suck up.

"We tried to stop him sir...", Sakura says before I hit her on the head.

"Just shut up Sakura!", I say to her really pissed off before looking at Naruto with a scaring look. I look at Naruto with an intimidating glare. "Naruto..." I start to say before the man spoke, "You all must be on Team 7...".

"Yeah, because we are the only ones here!", Naruto yells as I smack my hand on my face.

"I see...", the man said as I smack my hand on my face again.

'Ugh...why did we get him as our sensei?!', I think to myself really annoyed.

The man turns around and starts walking but turns his head back to us, "Come on..." says the man as we fellow behind him.

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