Chapter 12 : Another demigod? You sure about that?

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Chapter 12 :

Luke's POV

After battling two hellhounds and an empousa (not Remlin) and a demigod, it began to sink in- This was a bad idea. From the fights, Thalia had a black eye, Tammi looked ready to pass out and I had a swollen hand.

How we fought them without weapons, you may ask. Let me give you a brief description -

Hellhound One : Thalia saw a broom lying nearby, which she managed to levitate. Sadly, before attacking the hellhound, the broom decided to take a little detour. It came towards us and smacked Thalia in the eye. Thalia finally managed to control it again and let it fly towards the hellhound. Tip : If there is an angry girl controling a smelly broom, it's best you get out of the way and surrender or the consequnces can be dangerous. The hellhound was reduced to dust which the broom swept away.

Hellhound two : I had the broom with me and a good strike in the eye can do wonders.

Empousa : Tammi's hatred for empousas helped here. She just raised her hands like she was trying to catch a beachball and - voila! A disintegrated empousa at your service.

Demigod : I handled this one. The demigod was just a kid of about ten and I felt sorry for him. I got distracted and he was able to hit my hand with his club. Finally, I bonked him on the head and he passed out cold.

From the above fights, I'm sure I've made it clear that I respect cleaning equipment, especially brooms. Those things can be used for hitting, killing, enchanting and cleaning. Multi-benefits.

We finally managed our way out of the castle but we knew we had only minutes to escape before an army of monsters attacked us. Yes, we had dealt with quite a few tonight but the effort had exhausted us. Tammi's magic drained her. Thalia and I were tired of running and no way would we be able to make it out of here alive in this condition.

"We need a place to rest," Thalia said, breathing heavily after a long sprint.

"Let's look for some place," I agreed."Maybe a run down factory or abandoned house?"

Tammi shook her head.

"We can't," she said."They'll track us down easily."

"Then, what?" I asked."We can't go on running like this forever."

"We need to get inside a mortal residence," Tammi said.

"Easy, let's sneak into a factory. There are plenty of those here!" Thalia suggested.

Tammi shook her head.

"We need a place in which mortals have lived for years, preferably centuries. A place where the mortal scent is so strong that it can cover up for three demigods, or we stand no chance. Also, the monsters can't directly assault a mortal residence. At least not until we attack first.These apartments and factories are fairly modern. We need an older place," she explained.

I looked around me. We were surrounded by apartment complexes, office buildings and construction sites. No ancient palaces.

We decided to get going. Tammi knew her way around town. She led us through alleyways and old roads till we had reached an older part of the town. I knew there were monsters trying to find us. I could sense it.

Every once in while, we changed direction because one of us sensed monsters at our trail. The scene around us changed from skyscrapers, to small aparment blocks to old villas. The houses looked old enough to me but Tammi didn't seem to feel that they were strong enough to cover up for us.

"That one,"Tammi said, pointing towards a three storey residence, which looked nowhere near as old as the places we had passed.

Thalia stopped.

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