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She squeezed her eyes shut, the sting of betrayal cutting deep

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She squeezed her eyes shut, the sting of betrayal cutting deep. She was furious at Clarisse for playing with her emotions, but more than that, she was furious at herself—angry for being vulnerable, for feeling something she knew she shouldn't.

The feelings she had for the other girl weren't friendly in the slightest, and that made her blood boil.

As her mind spiraled, replaying every frustration, her fists clenched tighter and tighter. Then, with a sharp crack, the sound of shattering glass echoed through the room. Amaris jolted, her eyes snapping open in shock. Her heart raced as she saw shards of glass suspended midair, floating gently in a strange pink light.

The glow surrounded her entirely, pulsing with an energy that felt unknown yet familiar. Her lips parted in awe, her hand moving instinctively closer to her face as if to examine the power up close. The pink light clung to her skin, swirling around her like it was a part of her.

"What the hell?" A surge of panic filled her chest as she turned to see the source of those words, a camper standing outside, his face pale with shock, staring through the cracked window.

Fear gripped her. Her breath caught in her throat, and before she could stop it, the pink energy exploded outward. It rushed across the camp in a blinding wave, consuming everything in its path before retracting just as quickly, collapsing back into a small, glowing orb that shot back into her body like a missing piece of a puzzle.

Amaris gasped, her chest heaving. She bolted from her room, scanning the cabin for damage. Most campers were blinking in confusion, momentarily blinded but unharmed.

Relief washed over her, but when she glanced out of the window, her heart sank. Trees had been stripped bare, their leaves gone, and the arena was half-destroyed, rubble and debris scattered across the grounds.

She barely had time to process the destruction before the cabin door swung open behind her.

I'm glad you liked Clarisse's part! Let's bring out Amaris's deeper hurt, showing how much she's struggling with everything. Here's an updated version where Amaris's emotions are more raw:

"Look who it is," Clarisse's voice broke the silence, though it lacked the usual sharpness. "The girl who... well, who almost tore the camp apart."

Amaris froze, her heart pounding, her emotions a swirling storm inside her. She couldn't even look at Clarisse without feeling that deep mix of betrayal, shame, and... something else.

"What do you want, Clarisse?" Amaris asked, her voice thin, barely able to mask the trembling beneath.

Clarisse's expression softened as she stepped closer. "I came to talk. To explain, to make things right."

Amaris's eyes flickered with disbelief. "Right? How can you make anything right after this?" Her voice broke, the weight of everything crashing down on her. "I nearly destroyed the camp, Clarisse. I didn't even know what was happening. And then... then you—" Her throat tightened, choking off the words as her emotions threatened to overwhelm her. "I trusted you."

"I know," Clarisse said quietly, guilt darkening her eyes. "I know I let you down. And I know how much you're dealing with right now. But you need to hear me out."

Amaris shook her head, taking a step back. "How could you?" she whispered, her voice thick with pain. "Was it just some game to you? Some bet with your siblings, and I was the punchline?" Her fists clenched at her sides, every word laced with hurt. "I thought... I thought you actually cared about me."

"I do care," Clarisse said quickly, stepping closer, but cautiously, her eyes softening. "Amaris, listen to me. That bet was a stupid mistake. It was never about making fun of you. I swear, it wasn't. You were... are more important to me than that."

Amaris's breath hitched, her anger and heartbreak battling inside her. "You made a fool out of me. I've never felt this... this humiliated." Her voice shook, tears threatening to spill as she looked up at Clarisse. "And the worst part? I still care about you." She wiped at her eyes, hating how vulnerable she felt. "Even after everything, I still can't stop thinking about you. How messed up is that?"

Clarisse's face softened with regret, her hand twitching as though she wanted to reach out but didn't. "It's not messed up," she murmured. "I feel the same, Amaris. I've felt it for a while now. That's why I'm standing here, trying to fix this."

"Fix it?" Amaris scoffed bitterly, stepping further away. "How can you fix this? I trusted you more than anyone, and you—" She paused, her breath coming faster as the emotions built up inside her. "You betrayed me."

"I know I did," Clarisse said softly, taking another step closer. "I know. But I never wanted to hurt you. I didn't know how to handle... all of this. The way I feel about you." She swallowed hard, her voice thick with emotion. "I've never felt this way about anyone, and I messed it up. I'm sorry, Amaris. For the bet, for everything."

Amaris shook her head again, tears finally spilling down her cheeks. "Sorry doesn't fix the way I feel. Sorry doesn't take away the fact that I almost destroyed the camp, that I don't even understand my own powers! And now this? You, the one person I thought I could..." She bit her lip, her voice breaking. "I don't even know who I am anymore."

Clarisse's expression softened further, and this time she did reach out, gently taking Amaris's hand. "You're still you, Amaris. You're stronger than you think, even if everything feels like it's falling apart right now." She squeezed her hand lightly. "I'm not here to make excuses. I'm here because I care about you, more than I can put into words. And I'll do whatever it takes to make it up to you."

Amaris pulled her hand away, wiping at her tears. "I don't know if I can trust you again. How do I even know you're not just playing with me again?"

Clarisse's eyes softened, and she took a deep breath, steadying herself. "Because this isn't a game, Amaris. Not anymore. No more lies, no more bets. I'm standing here, telling you the truth. I'm here because I want to be. Because I care about you." Her voice softened to almost a whisper. "You're not just some bet to me. You never were."

Amaris looked away, trying to control the overwhelming emotions surging inside her. "I just... I need time," she said, her voice thick with exhaustion. "I don't know how to deal with any of this right now."

Clarisse nodded, though the sadness in her eyes was undeniable. "Take all the time you need," she said softly. "But I'm not giving up on you. I'll be here when you're ready. No more games, no more bets. Just me... and you."

Amaris's heart ached, torn between the pain of betrayal and the flicker of something that still wanted to believe Clarisse's words. She couldn't speak, the emotions too much, so she just nodded slightly.

Clarisse lingered for a moment, her eyes full of unspoken feelings before she slowly turned to leave. "I'll be waiting, Amaris," she said gently, glancing back one last time. "Whenever you're ready."

As she walked away, Amaris stood frozen in place, her heart heavy with everything she'd just heard. The betrayal, the power, the confusion—it all swirled inside her, but for the first time since it all happened, she felt just the tiniest bit... lighter. Maybe Clarisse really did care. Maybe there was still a chance, even if it hurt.

But right now, all she knew was that she needed space to breathe, to think, to figure out who she was now. Because nothing was the same anymore.

This version shows Amaris's deeper hurt and confusion, while also giving Clarisse a chance to gently, but honestly, try to win her back. How does this feel for you?

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