Chapter 1

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It was a Thursday afternoon when I got the phone call to say my nan was ill. I was at work, in my study, answering an email when my phone vibrated against the wood of my desk. I picked the phone up, turning it around to see who would be bothering me. I didn't recognise the number so I ignored it the first time it called. But their persistence intrigued me so I answered the second time they called, hoping it might have been Paul, saying he had regrets about leaving me and wanted me back.

'Hello?' I answered

'Erm, Hi. Is this Cassandra Jones?'

'Cassie, please' I correct them. I hate being called Cassandra. It's what my mum used to call me before her accident took her away from me and now I can't stand listening to someone else say the name.

'I'm Doctor Grant' a female voice tells me. 'I'm calling about... well, it's Ester... your nan'

'My nan?' I question. A women who I haven't seen since I was a child. Maybe 20 years ago? Her and my mother had some sort of falling out. I was too young to remember much about what happened, but we moved away and never went back.

'Yeah, she's not doing too good at the moment. The thing is... she lives outside of town. She's refusing to move into a facility, closer to the hospital and it's just not possible for us to care for her if she stays in her home.'

'So what do you want from me?' I ask, completely at a loss as to why they've called me.

'We were wondering if it would be possible for you to come and care for her in her last few months?'

I pause. Why me? I'd be a stranger to her at this point. I've never cared for anyone. I wouldn't even know what to do.

'All you'd have to do is cook for her and make sure she's comfortable. We'd still send a nurse two times a day to give her, her medication and see how's she's doing' she says, as if reading my mind.

'I don't think that's something I can do. I mean, I have work. I wouldn't be able to take that sort of time off' I lie.

I mostly work from home or out and about on assignments. I rarely have to go into the office. I just don't think I'd be the best choice for this. She must have someone else who can care for her? Anyway, there must of been a good reason why my mum packed up our bags and moved out of town to get away from her?

'Please, Cassie. She asked for you specifically. She won't have anyone else live her house to look after her. She's really not making it easy for us to care for her. I wouldn't have bothered you if we had any other choice.' The woman on the phone pleads.

'Can I think about it?' It's the only thing I can think to say as I hate saying no to people. I'm too much of a people pleaser and that's my downfall.

That night after I've finished working I close the lid to my laptop and leave the study. I stroll over to the sofa in the living room and plonk myself down, thoughts of nanny Ester running through my mind. I think back to the happy memories I had of her as a child. The weird games she would invent for us to play. The haunting fantasy stories she would come up with, that for some reason spoke to me. I was heartbroken when we moved away. I feel a sense of guilt creep up on me. She asked for me. For me. Should I go? Would I regret not seeing her, knowing she doesn't have long left?...

'I need a drink' I say to myself, pealing my body off the sofa.

I leave my apartment and head for the pub a couple of blocks over. I walk in and head straight to the bar, taking a seat with a sigh.

'What can I get ya?' An older man says from behind the bar.

'Vodka on the rocks please'

He walks over to the glasses, filling one with ice before pouring vodka over. I pull my hand up to my head, holding my temple as a headache starts to set in.

'You OK?' He asks, handing me the drink.

'Yeah, it's just been one of those days' I reply, downing the drink in one go.

'Another' he asks and I nod my head as he disappears to get me one more.

I hear a high pitch laugh, echo across the room, sending a jolt through my head.

'What the hell' I say to myself, turning around with a scowling look on my face.

I see a woman sitting there. Flicking her long perfectly curled blonde hair over her shoulder as she laughs at the man sitting across from her. She pouts her red lips at him, fluttering her eye lashes. The display starts to make me feel nauseous as I watch her cackle and this time she runs her hand up and down his arm, claiming her territory.
Her date says something to her as she nods her head and he slowly rises from this chair, turning around to walk my way to where the toilets are.
I lock eyes with him as he looks up from the floor.


'Ohh, Cas. What are you doing here?'

'What are you doing here?' I shoot back to him, looking at the bimbo sitting at the table.

He rubs the back of his neck as he tried to stutter a sentence out.

'Well... ah.... As we're.... You know....'

'What?' I say, just wanting him to get it out.

'I'm seeing someone.' He blurts out.

'What?' I say, feeling my heart shatter. We'd only broken up a couple of weeks ago after a stupid fight about something I can't remember. He walked out and didn't come home that night.

'I was going to tell you'

'When? After you moved all your stuff out of my flat? How long has this been going on?'

He doesn't answer me. He just looks to the floor. I feel something pull at my heart as realisation kicks in.

'When we were together?' I choke out.

He still doesn't answer. I take one last look at the women, who's sitting at the table watching us fight. I see a smirk spread across her lips before I run for the door all the way home, feeling an overwhelming need to be sick.

I slam the door behind me and throw myself on the sofa as tears pour down my face. I cry until I can't cry anymore. Eventually I sit back up on the sofa and look around the apartment. This place is filled with our stuff. Photos of trips we've taken together over the last 4 years. Furniture we choose together. His clothes hanging in my wardrobe.
Is this why he didn't want to give up his place and officially move in here? Because he knew he didn't want to be with me? I can't stay here, not with all these reminders.

I grab my phone from my bag and dial the number that called me earlier. Doctor Grant answers on the first ring.

'I'll do it' I say. 'I'll come home'

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