A pair of earrings

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Jimmy had done lots of research about Elven culture, read all the books that both the Cod Empire and Ocean Empire had to offer. What he's learned is that Elves give, who ever they plan on courting, a pair of earrings. They are supposed to be gold earrings, dangling earrings if it were a close relationship and just studs if it weren't as close.

There are many more types of earrings that have more meaning, and even the whole studs versus dangling have even more meanings, but the books he had access to never went the deep. Jimmy supposes that these are learned as Elves grow up and aren't, quote-unquote, "official".

From what he does know, he was able to make some golden studs the shape of a poppy flower, using red stone for the color. This combines both Cod culture, where they make flower crowns, each flower and size meaning different things, and Elven culture with it's earrings and jewelry.

"—ather, Codfather, it's your turn." Lizzie said to his right, nudging his arm.

"What? Oh, yeah! Sorry, I zoned out a bit."

Fwhip looked at Jimmy with annoyance and rolled his eyes, "Of course, you never pay attention, no wonder your empire is still so small."

"Uhm, right." Jimmy looked over to Lord Smajor, his expression filled with guilt as he sat next to Fwhip, right across from him at the long table, though to anyone else he seemed the same stone-faced King, "So, the Cod Empire is doing well, the economy is well, uhhh, slime production is also going good, um, uhh."

Jimmy has never been good with his words, and he never knows what to say at these meetings. He doesn't know how Scott makes it look so easy, "Right, nothing interesting or important has happened recently, it's been the same as last month, really."

"Ok, great," Queen Kathrine of House Blossom said, "let's continue."


The meeting was finally over. Scott was so relieved. Almost the second Kathrine adjourned the meeting he stood up. Fwhip stood up next to him, placing a hand on his left arm.

Scott doesn't hate Fwhip, but he doesn't particularly like him either. Fwhip has a crush on him. Though he's never confessed it's very obvious.

Fwhip was always with him during public advents and it was getting a bit annoying. Today, Scott really didn't want to get stuck with Fwhip. What he really wanted to do was go back to Rivendell, he had very important things to do.

Scott started heading for the door, apologizing to Fwhip that he had to leave so urgently. Just as he reached the door he felt a hand tap his shoulder. He turned around.

There stood the Codfather. He had a green and brown outfit on, something suited for warm weather. In his head was the Codfather head, it covered his face and hair. The Codfather was fidgeting with his hands, "uhm, lord smajor, I- uhh."

"Yes? Could you make this quick, I have something very important to do."

"Right, I was wondering if you, uh- well, I have something very important to tell you, but... not here."

"Codfather, If this was so important why couldn't you just tell me here, this is wasting my time. Just- send a letter. Either with a time and place or what it is you need to tell me. I've got to get going."

If that, Scott walked out the door. He looked up, spread his wings, and flew away.

On his way back home he made a point to fly by the Cod Empire. He flew slower here, admiring the scenery and just watching as the citizens walked around, shopped, and talk to each other.

They were all wearing clothes similar to the Codfather's. The greens and browns of the empire were so pretty, it was so simple and casual in a way the Rivendell never could.

Rivendelian culture was surrounded with expensive gold gifts, fancy clothes and stuck-up attitudes. The elves were known as introverted creatures. Nothing like the Cod and fishfolk.

And, speaking of fishfolk, was he too hard on the Codfather? Scott doesn't know. He really wants to know what he has to tell him, but, well, he doesn't know.

What he does know is that, from what he's seen, the Codfather, or informally known as Jimmy, is cute.

Ever since they were younger and at balls Scott has always found him cute. He doesn't remember much of Jimmy when they were younger. Jimmy would always stay away from everyone and so did Scott, but for different reasons.

Scott does remember hanging out with Fwhip and his twin sister Gem and telling them he had a crush, he never told them who, he was too embarrassed about it. Gem kept trying to guess, but never got it right.

Now, he still has a crush on him. His outfits are always so comfortable looking, they were the clothes he wishes he could wear.

Scott would never do anything about his crush. Not only does he have to marry an elf, the council also just hates the Cod Empire.

It's real annoying when he's only had one crush his entire life, and that crush is a cod.

It doesn't really matter much anyway. Jimmy would never love Scott. Scott was stuck up and rude. No one liked him, except Fwhip, but he grew up with him and Gem.

Scott finally got to Rivendell and landed in front of his castle. He waved to the gardes on either side and walked in. Immediately a maid came over to his side to take his coat and cape.

He waved her off and headed straight towards his bedroom, ignoring the other staff. He walked up many flights of stairs and down many long hallways until he was just outside his room.

Inside he went to his closet, picked out some more comfortable clothes, walked to the bathroom and started the water in the bath.

Scott grabbed a towel and placed it, along with his clothes, on the side. He undressed and stepped in. Scott liked to take baths after meetings. They were always so relaxing.

After the bath he got out and changed and headed towards Owen's room.

This took forever but I got it done. I finished this on the bus to a field trip on the second to last day of school. Anyway I hope you enjoyed. It was going to be longer but I got a bit lazy. Any and all comments are very appreciated :D

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