Unexpected and uninvited visitors

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It's been a bit, most of the embassy buildings had been made. High Wizard Gem had wanted to give Scott a tour of Crystal Cliff's embassy personally. Gem and Scott had grown up together; empires relatively close together and parents being friends, they were really close friends.

Scott got dressed and ready for the day with his usual style on. Many layers of blue and white with golden accents. He wore his crown and braided his blue hair. Under his many layers of skirts and pants he wore work boots, they were better for the mud and dirt of the summer season than any of the fancier ones he owned.

Scott had been standing at the front of the Crystal Cliff embassy building for about three minutes before Gem swooped down with her elytra. The High Wizard was stunning; as always, with her red hair in one big braid and her big hat a-top her head. The purple matching the rest of her outfit.

Her purple outfit matched the amethyst that is used throughout buildings in her empire. That style was pasted onto the embassy building as well. Quartz and amethyst and dark oak all going together nicely. The building was small, two stories. It looked like a simple house.

Gem and Scott chatted away as they looked at the build. Gem pointing out a few things while Scott nodded his head in awe. Gem was one of the only people to be able to make Scott act "unprofessional" it was quite nice for him to not have to act all the time, just being himself with his best friend.

Gem showed him the inside of the building as well. The embassy was, in fact, decorated like a nice, small house. Something cozy and comfortable.

"I can stay here when I visit." They joked. Though they both knew when Gem came to visit she stayed in the castle, most of the time having sleep overs in Scott's room.

The two went back outside and continued to talk. Scott invited her to lunch in the castle. Just as Gem started to agree, the sound of a splash potion hitting the ground along with gray particles dancing in the air, made the friends pale in worry.

Turning toward a bush ont he side of the path leading to the building, they saw to familiar faces pop up. Lord Sausage and King Joey.

Scott was starting to get unsteady on his feet and his vision started to blur. "What are you two doing here?" He tried asking, but I came out slurred, part of the sentence was spoken in common and parts were spoken in elvish.

Lord Sausage and King Joey started talking. Scott couldn't understand a single word. When he looked over at Gem she fell to the ground. Passed out. He himself was soon to fallow. Hitting the dirty floor with a thud.


Scott woke up slowly. His head was throbbing and his wings hurt. They felt terrible and dirty. He didn't want to get up. But he knew he had to, so he sluggishly opened his eyes.

The first thing he noticed was the high ceiling. It was crumbling, had dripstone on the left, dripping water into a small puddle. The second thing was the bed he was lying on. It has the most uncomfortable bed ever. It didn't have a pillow or blanket, it was just a mattress.

Scott sat up. In front of him were bars. He was in a cell. Great. His everything hurt. He also had no items. Amazing. From what he gathered, he was alone, in a cell, with nothing and no way out.

"H-hello? Is, is anyone there?" A voice asked.

Scott couldn't tell how it was, "hello?" He asked back.

"Scott? Is that you?" It was Gens voice.

"Gem!" Scott stood up, he walked to the bars of his cell, looking out and to his left was another cell. Inside was Gem. She looked horrible. Scott reached out a hand to her.

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