The date

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This was something no simple letter could accomplish. Scott was about to ask his crush on a date. He had to do this in person. He also has to look nice.

Brushing and braiding like blue hair, putting on a cute outfit. It had a long sleeved undershirt, a long sleeved shirt with ruffles at the cuff, and jacket that sleeves ended just before the cuff.

He had leggings with jeans over top, a short skirt with a bit more length at the back. He had also but on some black wool boots. They didn't go too well with the outfit, but, not only was he going to the Cod empire, he also had some work to get done before hand.


Jimmy had been stressing over this letter all week. He just didn't know what to say. It was hard, how do you write, in words, in a letter to your crush telling them you have a crush on them? He was at a loss. He would ask Lizzie or Joel, they were married, but he didn't Lizzie to know he even had a crush, let alone that it was Scott, the Elven king himself.

She wasn't the biggest fan of him, Joel would never talk about Scott, never liked to. Jimmy never knew why, still doesn't. Either way, here he was, hunched over his desk, paper and pen on the table, head in his hands.

It wasn't fair. Jimmy slammed his hands on his desk, looked up and stood up. He turned away from his desk and went over to his storage system, it was very unorganized. He started shifting through the chests, looking for something.

Why couldn't it just be as simple as Lizzie and Joel's relationship. He thought to himself, they both had a crush on each other, Joel ended up making a move. Now look at them. They're happily married. Jimmy continued to shift through chest after chest. It was probably easier being well known and established empires. They don't have to constantly worry over their economy. I wish my economy wasn't always so close to crashing, it's just hard.

Jimmy finally found what he was looking for. Just in time too, if he hadn't he might have missed the knock at his door. "Come in," he yells, walking over for he door.

Scott, beautiful, amazing, hot, Scott. He was here. Inside his house. It wasn't even his main house. His actual one was a bit larger and underneath the water. This was just a small wooden one on a doc.

"Greetings, Codfather," he said looking around.

"Hello to you too, Elven king."

"Oh, you can just call me Scott, mind if I come in?" Scott already was technically inside.

"Oh! Of course, and, you can, uhm, you can just. Just call me Jimmy." Jimmy smiled at Scott and walked into the living room that was right next to the door.

"Right," Scott muttered quietly to himself, hoping Jimmy couldn't hear him.

"Well, would you like to, uhh, uhm, uh sit, sit down?" He pointed out to the couch that has seen better days.

"No, that would be quite alright Jimmy, I don't plan on being here long."

"Right, cold course. So... what is it that bring you here?" Jimmy was super nervous. He had the earring box in his hands.

"Well, Jimmy. Would you, like to, go on a date, with me?" When Scott asked it sounded so unlike the cold, stern, always serious and down to business man everyone knew.

"What?" Jimmy didn't even comprehend the question at first.

"Oh, well I just thought that-"

Jimmy was quick to cut him off once he understood what was being said. "YES! Yes, oh you have no idea how long I've been," he looked up at Scott, clearing his through he said, "I mean, yes. I would love to. That sounds, uhh, splendid."

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