A meeting between two

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It had been three weeks since Jimmy and Scott had started dating. Scott hadn't seen many people this past week, busy with a bunch of stuff. But today was, once again, another House Blossom meeting. This meeting Scott had something important to share.

Scott has decided to ask his allies for embassy building. It was something his parents had done a long time ago. That his grandparents and great-grandparents did. It was a tradition that almost every new ruler of Rivendell did. He wanted to keep that tradition alive.

He knew he was going to ask the allies he's had forever, but now he has one more person he'd like to ask. It would have to be a small thing. Though that's okay, at least it was something. It would be the first Cod empire embassy in Rivendell. Maybe one day it would be able to be bigger.

When Scott got to the meeting, he was the last one to get there, which was unusual. He always either got there first, aside from Queen Kathrine Elizabeth of House Bloosm as she lived there, or one of the first ones there. So when he was the last one to get there, everyone was staring at him.

"Ahem," Queen Kathrine cleared her throat, everyone turned to her while Scott took his seat, "now that we're all here we can begin."

Everyone was listening to Queen Kathrine Elizabeth speak. What she was talking about, Scott couldn't tell you. He never payed to much attention to the beginning on these meetings.

There was a tap, tap, tap on his shoulder. "Hm?" Scott looked over and saw Fwhip looking back.

"Why were you late?" Fwhip whispered to him.

Scott looked away to Queen Kathrine then back at Count Fwhip, "I wasn't late," he whispered back, "just... last."

"But-why?" He asked once again.

"I was busy and had many a-thing to do today." He said in his normal posh and heavy elven accent.

Fwhip looked at Scott with an expression that said, really, "You and I both know your council does all of the work, you just sign on things."

"Excuse me, they do not do all the work, Count Fwhip you have no business asking and saying things of that nature!" Scott looked away from Fwhip, turning to pay attention to Queen Kathrine Elizabeth as she finishes up her opening speech.


Fwhip is in raged! How could he? King Scott hadn't any right to speak to him that way. It just wasn't fair. After everything I've done? Does our relationship mean nothing to him?!

Fwhip walked out to the balcony attached to his bedroom. The air was warm and humid. He had soot from tinkering covering his hands and face and clothes. Even when he wore an apron it still got everywhere.

He uselessly dusted off his pants and leaned against the railing. "Why doesn't Scott get it?" He asked out loud to no one.

"It just doesn't make any sense. I've been patient and friendly forever. I've given him hint after hint after himt yet he still doesn't see me like that, he still thinks it's ok to speak to me like that." Fwhip closed his eyes and sighed.

"I just don't." A servent cut him off.

"Uhm, Count Fwhip, sir. I have some news."

"What! What could be so important that you just had to interrupt me!" Fwhip yelled.

"S-sorry sir, but I uh, I've been told something you would like to hear." The servant was obviously scared of him, his face and eyes showed it no matter how hard  they tried not to.

"Spit it out then, I don't got all day."

"Ok, so I was traveling to Rivendell for something and ended up in a discussion of one of the servants there, and they told me that uhm, well that- that The Elven King and the Codfather started dating!" They spoke the last part faster than the rest, "though it was only a rumor and probably isn't even true, I mean, The Elven King and the Codfather? Please, he couldn't stand a chance." The servant added that last bit on in hopes of settling the anger forming on his face.

Fwhip didn't respond. He looked away from the servant and out towards the city below. After a few moments in silence the servant scrambled away.

After an even longer amount of time Fwhip could feel an unsettling, almost evil presence. He already knew who it was. The demon who's responsible for the red tentacles all around The Grimlands and every empire. The demon responsible for turning one of his closest allies, someone he knew since before he could remember, someone he thought of as a brother, evil.

"What do you want Xornoth."

Xornoth was a demon, hellbent on destruction. Intent on cloaking kingdoms with his blood red corruption. It was quite annoying.

"Aw, Fwhip, why do you sound like you don't want to see me?" The demon asked. He walked up to Fwhip, right next to him, tilting his head like a confused dog. I have no idea how his head doesn't just fall off from those big ass horns he has.

"And why would I want to see you?" He questioned.

"Because~" Xornoth said in a sing-song voice, or as sing-song-y as a rough demon voice can, "I can make your dreams come true, you just have to trust me." The demons sly smile is disturbing and ugly.

"How so? What dreams are you talking about, you may have my brother and King Joey tied around your ugly finger, but nothing you say will make me fall." I've always wondered where Xornoth was from. He definitely has an accent under that distorted voice, just where is it from?

Xornoth's smile slowly fell, "No, no. It's nothing of that sort I assure you. It's just, in exchange for some land of yours I could you use, you can have your dream boyfriend." His offer didn't make any sense.

"What do you mean?" Count Fwhip asked, his brow furrowing.

"Well, I get to use some land, any that you want, And in turn, I'll get you Prince Scott, I'll even break him for you. He'll never talk to anyone again and-"

"King." Fwhip corrected.


"It's King Scott, he's the king of Rivendell, not the prince."

"Yeah, yeah. I know, now."

Fwhip interrupted again, "do you know, it doesn't seem like you do."

"Look, it's been a while, the last time I was around the empires the Elven King was Scott's father." Now, that seemed suspicious. Fwhip wasn't even sure why he was so caught up on that. It was weird, though nothing to worry about.

Fwhip took a second to think about it. Scott could be his. It was a tempting deal. Plus, it would just be a bit of land. It didn't matter where or how much. Fwhip stood there for a while just thinking it over.

Until finally, he turned to Xornoth the demon, held out his hand, and said, "deal." They shook on it then Xornoth disappeared.

The deal was done. There would be no turning back now.

I finished this in like 3 days. I've been on a cruise and this was all I could do as I have no internet. I hope you enjoyed. Things are starting to get spicy. (Not in that way get your head out of the gutter there will be nothing of that sort in this fic, just torture.) :D

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