Chapter 1

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Lieutenant Commander Steve McGarrett sat in his office looking out into the main area of Five-O headquarters as his team joked with one another. It was good to have Kono back. He could've killed Fryer for what he'd done. How dare he mess with his team like that? Blackmail Kono into helping him? Putting her in danger without them knowing about it? Just thinking about it made his blood boil.

As angry as he still was about the situation, it was all in the past now. They were all back together, and with a new member. Lori Weston seemed to be a nice addition to the team. She brought her own set of skills to their task force. He had to admit he'd been wrong about her. Of course, he'd never admit that to anyone. Steve laughed to himself as he imagined how much shit Danny would give him if he found out.

Steve had thought having Lori there was going to be a nightmare, but the more time he spent with her the more he realized she was someone he could count on. He could tell she had developed some feelings for him, but he hadn't decided how he felt about her or if she was even someone he could be with in that way. Plus, they did work together and with the last few months being as hectic as they were, he didn't want to "rock the boat" when everything was beginning to look up. But the idea of having someone in his life romantically had its appeal. He was getting tired of being alone all the time. This thought caused his mind to wander to the person who had always been there for him. Maddie. Having to head out for a bit, he shook his head, knowing he couldn't think about her right now, couldn't worry about her. But Steve knew he'd think about her later, just like he had every day since they'd met.

Walking out of his office, he approached his laughing colleagues. "Hey guys, I'm gonna go grab a quick bite with Joe. I'll see you in a bit!"

"Sure thing, boss!" Kono smiled.

This caused him to smile. It was so good to hear her call him boss. He hadn't realized how much her absence had been affecting the team. "It's really great to have you back, Kono."

"Thanks, Boss!"

The rest of the team cheered. Even Lori joined in, more to feel a part of the team than anything he imagined. With that, he turned and headed towards his car.

Steve met Joe for a quick bite to eat at Kamekona's to see what he had on the video they'd recovered from the governor's office

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Steve met Joe for a quick bite to eat at Kamekona's to see what he had on the video they'd recovered from the governor's office. The one of his dad, Wo Fat, and the governor.

"I have nothing for you yet, Steve. You gotta be patient," Joe told him.

He got the feeling Joe wasn't being straight with him. He just couldn't figure out what he wasn't telling him, or why.

"You did give it to your friend, right?" Steve questioned.

"Yes! They have a lot to do besides this, Steve." Joe paused before finally asking, "Are you sure you want to know the answers, son?"

"I need to know what my father was up to. I need to know who my father was," Steve insisted. He couldn't help but wonder why Joe was asking him this.

"I promised your father I'd look out for you. I understand your feelings on this, Steve. I really do, but I don't want you making things worse with Wo Fat by uncovering this. We have no idea what this could lead to," Joe explained.

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