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Her show had gone better than she expected given how tired, distracted, and upset she was. Maddie had been kicking herself for calling Steve. A moment of weakness, she thought to herself as she headed out of the arena to board her tour bus. Normally after shows she was wired and energetic from the adrenaline rush being on stage gave her, but the last few months she was so exhausted she could barely take a shower before climbing into bed. Maddie used to hang out with her band and dancers on their bus after the show, but now she always just went straight to hers. The stress of the last few months had caused her to become a bit antisocial. A bit of a loner. Whatever. It is what it is, she thought as she walked up the steps to her home on wheels and headed towards her room in the back. Slowly peeling off her soaked stage costume Maddie stepped into the shower. How could she have called Steve? She'd been doing so well, which hadn't been easy. Each and every one of his voicemails ripped her heart out, yet she continued to listen to them, as well as save them. Well, if he was worried before, he's... probably terrified now. Hopefully he'll keep his wits about him on whatever SEAL mission he's on, she bit her lip at the thought, rinsing her hair of any remaining shampoo or conditioner before getting out.

 Hopefully he'll keep his wits about him on whatever SEAL mission he's on, she bit her lip at the thought, rinsing her hair of any remaining shampoo or conditioner before getting out

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Flipping off the water she reached for the towels she'd laid out. Wrapping her long, wet, auburn hair in one she stepped out of the shower and onto her rose pink bath rug, careful not to drop water on the soft cream carpeting. Using the second towel she dried her dripping wet body before wrapping herself in it. Maddie walked towards her sink and stared at her reflection in the mirror. "God, I look awful," she said to herself. Thank God she wouldn't be seeing Steve anytime soon. He freaked out hearing her sob on the phone, but he'd completely lose it if he saw her looking like this. Her normally beautiful glowing skin, which was more on the fair side, but still able to tan slightly, looked dull with a grayish tint to it. Her usual gorgeous, sparkling bright blue eyes looked to be almost gray blue and lack luster. Underneath were huge dark circles, direct evidence of her lack of sleep. She couldn't remember the last time she'd gotten a complete night's rest.

Giving herself a sad, pathetic smile, she turned away from the mirror grabbing for her favorite pajamas. With the black leggings and white socks on she picked up the oversized shirt lying next to her. Burying her face in it Maddie breathed in, wishing that it still smelled of him. Sighing she threw Steve's Navy t-shirt over her head, the one she'd stolen from him a couple years ago. Just as she was ready to climb into bed someone knocked on her bedroom door. Shoulders slumping, Maddie sighed and said, "Come in." Pete walked in, a folder in his hand.

" Pete walked in, a folder in his hand

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