Nurse Steve

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Maddie knew by the sound of his voice, and the fact he'd used her full first and middle name, that Steve was mad. Furious would be a better description. She assumed his eyes would tell the same story had she been able to meet them.

Assuming everyone would be asleep, Danny let himself in using the key Steve had given him. He figured he'd check on things before he picked Grace up from Rachael's and took her to school. He was surprised when he heard voices. As he entered the kitchen he was about to greet his partner when he took in the scene before him. Pete sat at the counter and Steve stood near the stove both looking in the direction of Maddie who was standing at the opposite side of the room. It looked as if she'd come from another hallway, one he hadn't been down yet. Although Danny couldn't completely see Steve's face he could tell he had "aneurysm face" by the tension in his body. He was mad. Really mad.

"That wasn't a rhetorical question, Madeline Lily," Steve seethed.

Danny's eyes drifted to Maddie. For the first time since arriving he looked her over. She didn't look good. Her skin was grey and she had bags under her eyes so large and dark it looked as if her eyes were sinking into her head. It made her seem thinner than she was. Maddie said nothing as she refused to look at Steve. Wanting to help break some of the tension Danny joked, "Wow, a first and a middle name! This can't be good!"

Maddie glanced in Danny's direction, grateful for his attempt at humor. However, Steve ignored him and continued to glare at his best friend. Fighting the urge to run to her, pick her up and carry her back to bed, he loudly cleared his throat to get her attention, and hopefully some sort of answer.

Taking a deep breath, she looked towards Steve and played dumb, "What do you mean?"

"What do I mean?" Steve scoffed. "Why are you up and around?"

"I had a conference call. I have a job, you know," she replied. Her answers only angered him more, which was her hope. She figured maybe if he got mad enough he'd leave and then he'd be safer.

"Seriously, Maddie?! Don't play dumb. You're dressed. My guess is you ripped your bandages off and I'm pretty sure I don't see you holding an IV bag," he clipped, his voice rising.

The yelling was making her head hurt more. Maddie wished she could sit down, but that wouldn't show him she was fine. However, she didn't know how much longer she could hold herself up. She was weak, exhausted, and in a tremendous amount of pain. Knowing she needed to get this argument over with she attempted to shout back, but due to the fact she was losing her voice it came out raspy. "Steven, I'm fine! I feel a lot better. I'm dressed because it's a new day! I'm home... in Hawaii! It's beautiful outside," she pointed behind her and to the right to large sliding glass doors that lead to her backyard. "I'm going to enjoy my day! You don't need to worry anymore. I'm 100%!" she lied. More like 20%, she thought.

"The only place you're going is back to bed!" he shouted, pointing to the stairs. "And you are definitely not fine! You look awful! You look close to death." As soon as the words were out of his mouth Steve knew he'd gone too far. He was just so worried about her and he was too tired himself to deal with her stubbornness.

Danny and Pete flinched at Steve's words.

Not only had he said she looked like death, but he knew she hated getting ordered about. It made her feel trapped. If Maddie hadn't felt like her legs were going to give out on her at any moment she would have stormed out, gotten in the car, and left, but there was no way that was going to happen. Even if she tried she knew she'd be too slow and he'd catch her. She needed him to leave, and the only way she could think to do that was make him madder. After all, she knew the right buttons to push, as he did with her. "Your pancakes are burning," Maddie stubbornly said, her voice laced with venom.

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