The Plan

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Steve walked into Five-O Headquarters feeling more at ease than when he left.

Chin called out to him. "Hey McGarrett! Check this out!"

"What's up?" Steve approached him as the rest of the team gathered around.

"Hoping to find something to lead us to Wo Fat, I went back through the contents of his safe house we discovered a couple months back, particularly items damaged in the blast. I was able to piece together a couple receipts and a business card for a Thai restaurant in this area here." Chin pointed to an area on the screen in front of them. "I thought maybe someone from there might remember him. Maybe he goes there for business meals."

"Great job Chin! Why don't..." Steve began to say but was interrupted by his phone ringing.

"Are you a Michael Jackson fan? 'Bad', is that your jam? How did I not know this about you, Steven?" Danny wisecracked.

The look on Steve's face was a mixture of shock and disbelief. With his heart pounding he snatched his phone from his belt, worried that if he waited too long to answer she'd chicken out and hang up. Picking up he said, "Maddie?"

There was no response.

"Maddie?" he asked again.

Maddie did her best to keep her crying silent, but it was becoming more and more difficult

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Maddie did her best to keep her crying silent, but it was becoming more and more difficult. Just hearing his voice triggered a fresh round of tears to run down her reddened cheeks. She tried holding her breath, but it seemed to only make matters worse, and a sob escaped.

"What's wrong? You okay?" She said nothing. "Maddie... answer me." Steve was trying his best to hide his concern, but it leaked into his words. Was she in trouble? Where was Pete? It had only been thirty minutes since he'd spoken to him, and he'd claimed everything was fine.

"Who's Maddie?" Danny asked quietly noticing the sudden tension that had appeared in Chin and Kono's bodies.

She was now openly sobbing on the phone, but still hadn't said a word. You idiot! Why'd you call him? It's just making everything worse! Now he's definitely not gonna let things go. You're just scaring the hell out of him. Hang up! Hang up the phone, Maddie, she told herself. Even though she knew she should, she just couldn't do it. She needed Steve. She needed to hear his voice. It had been too long.

"Maddie, talk to me... Where's Pete? I thought he was with you," Steve said to her, speaking a bit faster than normal, a small sign of the fear he was trying to hide. Still, only her tears and labored breathing could be heard. "Okay, if you won't say anything, at least cough to let me know you're safe."

He waited for what felt like minutes until he heard her cough. "Okay, there's something." A small smile briefly appeared on his face as he sighed in relief.

Maddie coughed more, this time not on purpose, and started to gag. Great! Just hang up, Maddie chastised herself.

Steve's worry increased. Something was seriously wrong for her to cry like this. It was rare she cried, and the few times she had, only a few silent tears would escape her eyes. He'd never heard her like this. "Maddie... take a deep breath. Just listen to my voice. I'm right here. Come on Mads... breathe."

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